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Douban FM Daemon (inspired by Music Player Daemon)
FMD (Douban FM Daemon) for Raspberry Pi FM Transmitter
FMD stands for Douban FM Daemon, inspired by MPD (Music Player Daemon).
FMD plays music from Douban FM in background and communicate with clients through TCP connections.
This FMD branch adds the support to broadcast Douban FM music by FM with Raspberry Pi.
The main config file is ~/.fmd/fmd.conf
. Config file includes several sections.
In DoubanFM section, there are the following config items:
channel [int] # Douban FM Channel id
uid [string] # Douban FM user id
uname [string] # Douban FM user name
token [string] # Douban FM authorization token
expire [string] # token expire time
To get a complete channel list, try:
wget -q -O - "" | json_pp
To get your own uid, uname, token and expire, try:
wget -q -O - --post-data="email=[email]&password=[passwd]&app_name=radio_desktop_win&version=100" "" | json_pp
Replace [email] and [passwd] with your douban account and password.
In Output section, there are the following config items:
driver [string] # audio output driver, default is "alsa". Use "pifm" for FM mode on RPi.
device [string] # audio output device, can be omitted. For "pifm" driver, set FM transmission frequency here, eg. 102.4
rate [int] # audio ouput rate, default to 44100
In Server section, there are the following config items:
address [string]# server listen address, default to "localhost"
port [int] # server listen port, default to 10098
Please create a config file before using FMD. A sample config file is:
channel = 0
uid = 123456
uname = username
token = 1234abcd
expire = 1345000000
driver = alsa
device = default
rate = 44100
address = localhost
port = 10098
The communication between FMD and clients go throught TCP connection.
Commands client can send are play, stop, pause, toggle, skip, ban, rate, unrate, info and end. These commands are all self-explained except end will tell FMD server to exit.
FMD responses to most commands are json formmated strings containing current playing infomation.
"len" : 0,
"sid" : 967698,
"status" : "play",
"channel" : 0,
"like" : 0,
"artist" : "花儿乐队",
"album" : "幸福的旁边",
"cover" : "",
"url" : "/subject/1404476/",
"user" : "小强",
"pos" : 5,
"title" : "别骗我",
"year" : 1999
The simplest FMD client is telnet:
telnet localhost 10098
Trying ::1...
Connection failed: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
{"status":"play","channel":0,"user":"小强","title":"What's My Name (Intro #1)","artist":"Rihanna / Drake", "album":"Promo Only Rhythm...","year":2010,"cover":"","url":"/subject/5951920/","sid":1561924,"like":0,"pos":107,"len":254}
{"status":"pause","channel":0,"user":"小强","title":"What's My Name (Intro #1)","artist":"Rihanna / Drake", "album":"Promo Only Rhythm...","year":2010,"cover":"","url":"/subject/5951920/","sid":1561924,"like":0,"pos":111,"len":254}
{"status":"play","channel":0,"user":"小强","title":"What's My Name (Intro #1)","artist":"Rihanna / Drake", "album":"Promo Only Rhythm...","year":2010,"cover":"","url":"/subject/5951920/","sid":1561924,"like":0,"pos":111,"len":254}
{"status":"error","message":"wrong command: help"}
FMC is a command line client for FMD.
FMD is written in GNU C and depends on libcurl
, json-c
, mpg123
, libao
and alsa
Known issues
Sometimes, FMD may use too much CPU. It's a known issue of libao
and alsa
. Trying fmc stop
and fmc play
may help.
- Add support for DJ channels.
- Add logs.
- Cover more error cases.
- Improve FMD protocol.