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A fork from


h1. Valkyrie RCP

Valkyrie-RCP's mission is to provide an elegant way to build highly-configurable, GUI-standards-following rich-client applications faster by leveraging the Spring Framework, and a rich library of UI factories and support classes. Initial focus is on providing support for Swing applications but a goal of Valkyrie-RCP is to be view agnostic as much as possible.

The goal of Valkyrie-RPC is to provide a viable option for developers that need a platform and a best-practices guide for constructing Swing applications quickly.


I'm not the author of this framework, neither related to the author, so please thanks "lievendoclo": for his work.

h2. What is it ?

A fork of "Valkyrie RCP":, which is itself an evolution of "Spring Rich Client":

The Valkyrie documentation is available "here":

h2. License

This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0

h2. Why ?

Because the original project seems to be dead :(

h2. And so, what's new ?

  • Removed the @Configurable system, no longer is AspectJ needed to use Valkyrie RCP
  • Fixed RCP-613
  • Fixed RCP-622
  • Fixed RCP-634
  • Started on integrating Jide Docking into the framework. Not yet production-ready.
  • Upgraded Spring dependencies to lastest version

h2. How to get the released versions ?

h3. Maven

Just add this to your @pom.xml@ file:

The dependencies:

bc. <groupId>org.valkyriercp</groupId> <artifactId>valkyrie-rcp-core</artifactId> 2.0

h3. Gradle

The dependencies:

bc. dependencies { compile group: 'org.valkyriercp', name:'valkyrie-rcp-core', version:'2.0' }

h2. How do I get my IDE to work and run samples

h3. IntelliJ IDEA 12+

Just open the project in IntelliJ using the build.gradle file.

h2. I found a bug, what can I do ?

Feel free to fork this repo, and make a "pull request": Ideally, write a test !

h2. How to build

Just clone the repository, and then use a @./gradlew build@ command. The build uses the Gradle wrapper, so you don't need a local Gradle install.

h2. Documentation

To build the documentation with gradle, you'll need to navigate to the valkyrie-rcp-manual folder and issue a @gradle reference@ command. If you want a zip with the documentation, use @gradle build@.

The documentation is provided as a single html, multi-page html and PDF.

h2. Greetings

Big thanks to "lievendoclo": for his work on this !