lila copied to clipboard
Friends list bottom right-corner not opening
Exact URL of where the bug happened
Steps to reproduce the bug
- click on the friends online header
What did you expect to happen?
I expect it to open and show the friends who are online.
What happened instead?
Instead it does nothing and it shows zero friends. When new ones appear or start playing, it shows them, but the initial following_onlines packet doesn't seem to work anymore.
Operating system
Windows 11
Browser and version (or alternate access method)
Additional information
No response
Seems that it started to work again.
still not working
perhaps the element is locked
Actually it is happening again. Client sends following_onlines event and server doesn't send it.
Seems to be related to the browser: Brave. The same problem doesn't reproduce in Chrome or Edge.
Can reproduce on Safari too, nothing in the console
Could it be related to the change in routing that schlawg put in the forum? Because I activated that.
Can reproduce on Safari too, nothing in the console
Chorme same
Works fine for me on chrome, brave and firefox.