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A nightmare to get the examples running. Release tag matrix from hell [BUG]
There are 3 conflicting examples in this repo for the same transaction.
Package module names don't match the filestructure... unintuitive and messy.
Generally needs harmonising with the readme so its enjoyable to use.
Hi @golangdaddy, thanks for the general feedback. Can you please provide more details regarding which package module names do not match the file structure, the examples you're having issues with, and the "release tag matrix from hell"?
As a user I want to look at the repo and see the latest API/examples, and the whole thing be self-referential and intuitive, not having to follow examples that don't just work without some go mod wizardry with various releases.
Even following the examples and fixing the deps, I don't have a working example, so its not a very convenient package.
I'm trying to build an SDK over this, so have loads of questions, but as not-a-complete-noob I still have found this one of the most frustrating packages I have come across, happy to lend a hand.
I would be grateful to know if there is an interface between bip32.ExtendedKey and bec.PrivateKey, I'm building a wallet implementation to learn, which can hopefully have both working in the same manner.
import (
func (self *KeyInfo) SendSatoshisToAddress(satoshis uint64, scriptHash, address, changeAddress string) (string, error) {
tx := bt.NewTx()
var availableSatoshis uint64
for _, in := range self.UsableInputs {
availableSatoshis += uint64(in.Available * 100000000)
if err := tx.From(
); err != nil {
return "", err
println("available satoshis", availableSatoshis)
if availableSatoshis < satoshis+satoshis {
return "", fmt.Errorf("not enough funds")
if err := tx.PayToAddress(address, uint64(satoshis)); err != nil {
return "", err
fees := bt.NewFeeQuote()
if err := tx.ChangeToAddress(address, fees); err != nil {
return "", err
//_ = tx.AddOpReturnOutput([]byte("You are using go-bt!"))
if err := tx.UnlockAll(
PrivateKey: self.key,
); err != nil {
return "", err
txHex := tx.String()
println("HEX", txHex)
if debugtx, err := whatsonchain.DecodeTransaction(txHex); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
return whatsonchain.PostTransaction(txHex)
The above code is what I have managed to glean from the various releases, I'm not confident that I have all the steps covered, as the examples are limited. Any help appreciated, then I can move on and make contributions
"unexpected response code 500: 16: mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Script failed an OP_EQUALVERIFY operation)"
Also the bec.PrivateKey when made into a bitcoin address with the go-bt repo generates a different address than the official instructions on the bitcoin sv website which I translated to this code:
func ClassicAddress(pubKeyBytes []byte) (string, error) {
x := byte(0x00)
xx := []byte{x}
b := Ripemd(Sha256(pubKeyBytes))
b = bytes.Join([][]byte{xx, b}, nil)
c := b
b = Sha256(b)
b = Sha256(b)
prefix := b[:4]
d := bytes.Join([][]byte{c, prefix}, nil)
return string(base58.FastBase58Encoding(d)), nil
WIF to address: this repo: 1CpCPAibantXsg2Nuv2NKYPqx4ifaCmnE7 me following bitcoinsv.org instructions: 1AdZTNmwE2F5pduveoxNqYhizitnCV5GMP
This address has funds on it: 1AdZTNmwE2F5pduveoxNqYhizitnCV5GMP, was hoping this repo would generate the same address from the same WIF.
An explanation for this would be useful to include in the readme.