setup-sdl copied to clipboard
Error on Ubuntu; server closes with 500 on downloading SDL2 tarball. Only present on Linux.
Error on downloading and extracting the SDL2 tarball, of which is only present on Ubuntu.
throw new import_request_error.RequestError(message, 500, {
RequestError [HttpError]: other side closed
at /home/runner/work/_actions/libsdl-org/setup-sdl/main/packed/index.js:46431:11 {
status: 500,
request: {
method: 'GET',
url: '',
headers: {
accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
'user-agent': 'octokit-rest.js/20.0.2 octokit-core.js/5.0.2 Node.js/20.8.1 (linux; x64)',
authorization: 'token [REDACTED]'
request: { hook: [Function: bound bound register] }
Have you recently run a lot of (parallel) builds? I've also seen this error and think this is caused by using up all GitHub tokens. I opened to think about caching the SDL sources, and/or fetch the sources in a different way.
Have you recently run a lot of (parallel) builds? I've also seen this error and think this is caused by using up all GitHub tokens. I opened #22 to think about caching the SDL sources, and/or fetch the sources in a different way.
This is correct. I run 4 builds in parallel. 2 for Linux (gcc & clang), 1 for Windows (cl/msvc), and 1 for MacOS (gcc). The latter two both succeed (at this step).
It could be possible that the github tokens dried out but that wouldn't explain the big picture as Windows and MacOS builds both succeed (~~they failed due to #24 however, might be~~ that was my fault).
I have the same issue: This is my first CI job with the SDL dependency.
I have the same issue: This is my first CI job with the SDL dependency.
HI there. I'll have a look at finding a workaround for Linux. I think you have to clone the version of SDL you want to a directory, tell the CMake script to use Vendored SDL via a variable set by the CI script. As far as I know installing SDL the normal way via a Vendored SDL won't work on MacOS (it just freezes for some reason).
Does this still happen?
Before implementing a different way to fetch the SDL sources, I'd like to try reverting the nodejs version from 20 to 16.
You can test this by switching to the try-node16
The original issue seems to be solved, as the action's data is fetched from cache:
Looking up a SDL_image build in the cache setup-sdl SDL_image state = e93427b44940a3a7ca50cf2ffb7fdd49fa615dee40b0e8f9e7ea19f0694859f3 Cache Size: ~0 MB (261901 B) /usr/bin/tar -xf /home/runner/work/_temp/3c36ccc5-403b-463b-a9d8-c0c99bbbdfd1/cache.tzst -P -C /home/runner/work/Tactility/Tactility --use-compress-program unzstd Cache restored successfully SDL_image found in the cache: key = setup-sdl-SDL_image-e93427b44940a3a7ca50cf2ffb7fdd49fa615dee40b0e8f9e7ea19f0694859f3 SDL_image version is 2.8.2 Received 261901 of 261901 (100.0%), 0.2 MBs/sec
I cannot yet conclude whether it is completely fixed because my build now fails with a different reason:
[ 80%] Linking C executable app-sim /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL2: No such file or directory
This is possibly an issue in my project, so I need to investigate it. Context:
@KenVanHoeylandt The SDL configuration files generate targets in the SDLxxxx namespace. This patch fixes that:
--- a/app-sim/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/app-sim/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ target_link_libraries(app-sim
PRIVATE tactility-core
PRIVATE lv_drivers
target_link_libraries(app-sim ${SDL2_LIBRARY})
Likewise, for SDL2_image, link to SDL2_image::SDL2_image
Hey sorry I didn't get your messages, I hope you're still online. I'll investigate the potential fixes.
On the Node 20 branch, this still happens. Investigating the Node 16 branch.
By changing the branch using
- uses: libsdl-org/setup-sdl@try-node16
it doesn't work but with a different message.
@madebr Thanks, that solved it! I ended up using the proper variable: ${SDL2_LIBRARIES}
The build then succeeded, but the original problem was back in the build afterwards:
Conclusion: it fails intermittently depending on whether it uses the cached data or not.
@madebr I'm sorry if you're busy working on SDL2 or this project but this issue isn't fixed yet - Nothing has changed on the master branch.
I'm also encountering this issue, is there any update yet?
I'll have a look at finding a workaround for Linux. I think you have to clone the version of SDL you want to a directory, tell the CMake script to use Vendored SDL via a variable set by the CI script. As far as I know installing SDL the normal way via a Vendored SDL won't work on MacOS (it just freezes for some reason).
Try doing this.