SDL_mixer copied to clipboard
An audio mixer that supports various file formats for Simple Directmedia Layer.
``` CMake Error in cmake-build-release/_deps/sdl3_mixer-src/external/wavpack/CMakeLists.txt: MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY value 'MultiThreadedDLL' not known for this ASM compiler. ``` Windows 10 Visual Studio/2022/Community Use the latest node: de0f62abbcb41c64e0cb1045a521e2deeb562fb7 ``` include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(SDL3 GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG...
(yes yes I know it's deprecated) Simple test case: ```c int main() { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); Mix_OpenAudio(MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS, 2048); Mix_CloseAudio(); Mix_OpenAudio(MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS, 2048); } ``` This will crash on the...
Recently I found that some FLAC files won't play at all. I had checked, and I found it begins with an ID3 tag. Also, I checked around the stuff, and...
I have a use case where I must set the position of MIDI music to a particular beat index (something supported by the old allegro 4 midi player, and perhaps...
Fluidsynth 2 supports: Seek: Tell: Duration: When Fluidsynth 2 is used, these functions should be available. This would fix an issue for us where Mix_PlayMusic continues from...
I couldn't get MIDI sound to work in Chocolate Doom so I started doing some debugging. I built SDL_mixer from source and can't even get a MIDI file to play...
OS: macOS 13.1 (22C65) Chip: Apple M1 Pro Workflow: SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); TTF_Init(); Mix_OpenAudio(); Mix_FreeChunk(); Mix_CloseAudio(); Mix_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); Then always get 64 bytes memory leak. ``` STACK OF 1 INSTANCE OF 'ROOT...
I need to use SDL_mixer to play a network delivered pcm stream. To reduce latency, I can't cache the pcm data and play it back. I can't find any sample...