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PS3 controller working fine in Hatari GUI, but not in game
Hi guys, I installed Hatari libretro 1.8 on Retroarch 1.2.2 (Raspberry Pi 2). Emulator starts fine and I can using my PS3 controller to interact with it:
L2 Show/Hide statut (show: JOY/MOUSE MODE | SHIFTON | MOUSE SPEED | NUM JOY | LED ACTIVITY ) R2 Swap kbd pages (virtual keyboard : toggle Page 1 / 2 ) L Show/Hide vkbd (show or hide virtual keyboard ) R Change Mouse speed 1 to 6 (set mouse mode speed : for gui and emu) SEL Toggle mouse/joy mode (switch to joymode or mouse mode) STR Toggle num joy (switch to joy 0 or joy1 ) A Fire / Mouse btnA / Valid key in vkbd B Mouse btn B X Switch Shift ON/OFF (toggle Shift ON or OFF ) Y Hatari Gui (bring hatari GUI)
The issue is that I can't play: D pad, analog pad and A button doesn't work in game! Only in MOUSE mode, seems that the right analog do something if I go down, left and right.
What I wrong? Thanks for any help!
This is my hatari.cfg:
[Log] sLogFileName = /storage/.hatari/1log.txt sTraceFileName = /storage/.hatari/1trace.txt nExceptionDebugMask = 259 nTextLogLevel = 4 nAlertDlgLogLevel = 1 bConfirmQuit = TRUE bNatFeats = FALSE bConsoleWindow = FALSE
[Debugger] nNumberBase = 10 nDisasmLines = 8 nMemdumpLines = 8 nDisasmOptions = 15 bDisasmUAE = FALSE
[Screen] nMonitorType = 1 nFrameSkips = 0 bFullScreen = TRUE bKeepResolution = TRUE bKeepResolutionST = FALSE bAllowOverscan = FALSE nSpec512Threshold = 1 nForceBpp = 0 bAspectCorrect = TRUE bUseExtVdiResolutions = FALSE nVdiWidth = 640 nVdiHeight = 480 nVdiColors = 2 bShowStatusbar = FALSE bShowDriveLed = FALSE bCrop = FALSE bForceMax = FALSE nMaxWidth = 640 nMaxHeight = 480
[Joystick0] nJoystickMode = 0 bEnableAutoFire = FALSE bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE nJoyId = 1 nKeyCodeUp = 273 nKeyCodeDown = 274 nKeyCodeLeft = 276 nKeyCodeRight = 275 nKeyCodeFire = 305
[Joystick1] nJoystickMode = 1 bEnableAutoFire = FALSE bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE nJoyId = 0 nKeyCodeUp = 273 nKeyCodeDown = 274 nKeyCodeLeft = 276 nKeyCodeRight = 275 nKeyCodeFire = 305
[Joystick2] nJoystickMode = 0 bEnableAutoFire = FALSE bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE nJoyId = 2 nKeyCodeUp = 273 nKeyCodeDown = 274 nKeyCodeLeft = 276 nKeyCodeRight = 275 nKeyCodeFire = 305
[Joystick3] nJoystickMode = 0 bEnableAutoFire = FALSE bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE nJoyId = 3 nKeyCodeUp = 273 nKeyCodeDown = 274 nKeyCodeLeft = 276 nKeyCodeRight = 275 nKeyCodeFire = 305
[Joystick4] nJoystickMode = 0 bEnableAutoFire = FALSE bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE nJoyId = 4 nKeyCodeUp = 273 nKeyCodeDown = 274 nKeyCodeLeft = 276 nKeyCodeRight = 275 nKeyCodeFire = 305
[Joystick5] nJoystickMode = 0 bEnableAutoFire = FALSE bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE nJoyId = 5 nKeyCodeUp = 273 nKeyCodeDown = 274 nKeyCodeLeft = 276 nKeyCodeRight = 275 nKeyCodeFire = 305
[Keyboard] bDisableKeyRepeat = FALSE nKeymapType = 0 szMappingFileName =
[ShortcutsWithModifiers] keyOptions = 111 keyFullScreen = 102 keyMouseMode = 109 keyColdReset = 99 keyWarmReset = 114 keyScreenShot = 103 keyBossKey = 105 keyCursorEmu = 106 keyFastForward = 120 keyRecAnim = 97 keyRecSound = 121 keySound = 115 keyPause = 0 keyDebugger = 19 keyQuit = 113 keyLoadMem = 108 keySaveMem = 107 keyInsertDiskA = 100 keySwitchJoy0 = 282 keySwitchJoy1 = 283 keySwitchPadA = 284 keySwitchPadB = 285
[ShortcutsWithoutModifiers] keyOptions = 293 keyFullScreen = 292 keyMouseMode = 0 keyColdReset = 0 keyWarmReset = 0 keyScreenShot = 0 keyBossKey = 0 keyCursorEmu = 0 keyFastForward = 0 keyRecAnim = 0 keyRecSound = 0 keySound = 0 keyPause = 19 keyDebugger = 0 keyQuit = 0 keyLoadMem = 0 keySaveMem = 0 keyInsertDiskA = 0 keySwitchJoy0 = 0 keySwitchJoy1 = 0 keySwitchPadA = 0 keySwitchPadB = 0
[Sound] bEnableMicrophone = TRUE bEnableSound = TRUE bEnableSoundSync = FALSE nPlaybackFreq = 44100 nSdlAudioBufferSize = 0 szYMCaptureFileName = /storage/.hatari/hatari.wav YmVolumeMixing = 2
[Memory] nMemorySize = 1 bAutoSave = FALSE szMemoryCaptureFileName = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/emulator.tools.retroarch/savefiles/hatari.sav szAutoSaveFileName = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/emulator.tools.retroarch/savefiles/auto.sav
[Floppy] bAutoInsertDiskB = TRUE FastFloppy = TRUE EnableDriveA = TRUE DriveA_NumberOfHeads = 2 EnableDriveB = TRUE DriveB_NumberOfHeads = 2 nWriteProtection = 0 szDiskAZipPath = szDiskAFileName = szDiskBZipPath = szDiskBFileName = szDiskImageDirectory = /storage/emulators/roms/ATARIST/
[HardDisk] nHardDiskDrive = 0 bBootFromHardDisk = FALSE bUseHardDiskDirectory = FALSE szHardDiskDirectory = / nGemdosCase = 0 nWriteProtection = 0 bUseHardDiskImage = FALSE szHardDiskImage = / bUseIdeMasterHardDiskImage = FALSE bUseIdeSlaveHardDiskImage = FALSE szIdeMasterHardDiskImage = / szIdeSlaveHardDiskImage = /
[ROM] szTosImageFileName = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/emulator.tools.retroarch/system/tos.img bPatchTos = TRUE szCartridgeImageFileName =
[RS232] bEnableRS232 = FALSE szOutFileName = /dev/modem szInFileName = /dev/modem
[Printer] bEnablePrinting = FALSE szPrintToFileName = /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/emulator.tools.retroarch/config/hatari.prn
[Midi] bEnableMidi = FALSE sMidiInFileName = /dev/snd/midiC1D0 sMidiOutFileName = /dev/snd/midiC1D0
[System] nCpuLevel = 0 nCpuFreq = 8 bCompatibleCpu = TRUE nMachineType = 0 bBlitter = FALSE nDSPType = 0 bRealTimeClock = FALSE bPatchTimerD = TRUE bFastBoot = TRUE bFastForward = FALSE
[Video] AviRecordVcodec = 1 AviRecordFps = 0 AviRecordFile = /storage/.hatari/hatari.avi
I ll try with a ps3 joy on linux pc , strange behaviour anyway.
It works fine for me as expected , at least for me on linux pc .
if I push "select" to toggle joy mode , then dpad and left analog act like a joystick in game. if I push "select" again it toggle in mouse mode ,and dpad &left analog act like a mouse in GUI and in GEM and games.
I confirm it works well. Just something I find disturbing : the controler could be OK in the GUI mode, but not in the "in-game" mode, we have to "play" with the select button to toggle it. And when it's OK in the "in-game" mode, and I get back to the GUI, I have to push select again to get the controler OK again in the GUI.
But anyway, it works for me.
I have exactly the same problem that lollo78 has described but with a ps4 controller with a raspberry pi 4