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Create Content Routing doc

Open yusefnapora opened this issue 5 years ago • 9 comments

Should cover the basics of the content routing interface and how it's used by other parts of libp2p (e.g. rendezvous for AutoRelay). Should mention that the primary implementation is via kad-dht, but others implementations are possible.

This should be complementary to #13, which covers Peer Routing. Since the content routing interface is distinct from peer routing (even if both are often backed by the same DHT implementation), we should discuss it separately and link between the docs where it makes sense.

yusefnapora avatar Mar 12 '19 19:03 yusefnapora

👋🏼 just discovering the docs, I see this is stale, any plans to bring these up to date? 🙏🏼

nuke-web3 avatar Mar 19 '21 05:03 nuke-web3

Hey there, I too am just discovering the docs. Any updates on the content routing doc?

mjohnson518 avatar Apr 19 '21 01:04 mjohnson518

Any updates?

da-kami avatar May 24 '21 04:05 da-kami

Also looking for an update, would love to see this explained

jakehemmerle avatar Jul 22 '21 20:07 jakehemmerle

I don't think anyone from the libp2p core team will be able to tackle these any time soon. Contributions are more than welcome. I am happy to help.

mxinden avatar Jul 23 '21 08:07 mxinden

Any updates on content routing?

DjKesu avatar Jun 27 '22 16:06 DjKesu

Its a major bummer because the routing tables and handling the DHT size are big issues with using libp2p, and the docs are so poor in that space which makes it hard to get open source fixes and ideas towards that problem... Kademlia is great but there is a need to a middle-ware option, i.e. so that Kademlia can run i.e. think ospf to bgp, Kademlia is just like ospf but you need a bgp space so places can join bgp areas to be apart of the Kademlia swarm..

mbostwick avatar Aug 21 '22 17:08 mbostwick

We plan to add a section on Kademlia content routing and not a generic counting routing section. Because different content routers are also being added to IPFS, we (docs team) will follow up with the IPFS team for their content routing docs.

p-shahi avatar Aug 26 '22 15:08 p-shahi

Lets go @DannyS03 haha!

jakehemmerle avatar Aug 29 '22 16:08 jakehemmerle