uniswapv3-by-examples copied to clipboard
UniswapV3 by examples
UniswapV3 By Examples
I couldn't find a repository that contained straightforward Uniswap V3 action examples, so I decided to make one myself.
This repostiory assumes you understand how UniswapV3 operates at a high level, if not, check out their docs.
# forge 0.1.0 (0f58c52 2022-03-14T00:17:17.595445+00:00)
forge build
# RPC_URL=https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<PROJECT_ID>
forge test -f $RPC_URL -vvv
# ganache-cli -f $RPC_URL
forge run --debug src/test/Swap.t.sol -f --sig "test_swapExactInput()"
- [x] Calculate SqrtPriceX96/SqrtRatioX96
- [x] Add Liquidity
- [x] Remove Liquidity
- [x] Swap Exact In
- [x] Swap Exact Out