sx1268 copied to clipboard
树莓派4B 测试发送无法完成
Description of the issues
硬件平台 树莓派4B 系统为烧录工具推荐的 易佰特 lora模块 E22-400M30S SPI链接
jicunqi寄存器读写都正常 说明通信正常 spi工作了 但是send 例子不正常
Additional context
No response
I'm very sorry to see your question now. Thank you for using our driver. The SX1268 transceiver relies on INT (DIO1) interrupts. Please check whether the interrupts can be triggered normally, including pin connections, pull-up, etc. Under normal interrupt triggering, transmission can be successful. In addition, your module also includes send and receive capabilities. Please ensure that the module is enabled before sending and receiving.
SX1268收发都依赖于INT(DIO1)中断,我们这边直接按照用的gpiod库 我这边也看到你源代码中有这个操作,我这边感觉就是没有正常触发,您的模组还包括发送和接受使能,请确保收发前模组的收发使能。这个在您的程序里面没有么
The original SX1268 did not have transceiver enable pin control. The module you used contains additional designs such as PA, and transceiver enable belongs to the module's additional design. Please refer to the module's design to enable your module's transceiver (both TXEN and RXEN are high) before conducting subsequent testing.
"\The project raspberrypi4b interface src gpio. c" file is the part of the system interrupt processing. You can output necessary printing information in this section to determine the interrupt situation. In addition, this interrupt defaults to using the rising edge trigger and is consistent with the original settings of the chip. Please check if the third-party module is consistent with it. (If there is an inverter, it will become a falling edge trigger)
/* if the rising edge */
if (event.event_type == GPIOD_LINE_EVENT_RISING_EDGE)
/* check the g_gpio_irq */
if (g_gpio_irq != NULL)
/* run the callback */
/* if the rising edge */
if (event.event_type == GPIOD_LINE_EVENT_RISING_EDGE)
/* check the g_gpio_irq */
if (g_gpio_irq != NULL)
/* run the callback */
Additionally, if the interrupt cannot be triggered, an interrupt handler can be added to the source code 1259-1263 loop.
while ((ms != 0) && (handle->tx_done == 0) && (handle->timeout == 0))
/* add this handler */
while ((ms != 0) && (handle->tx_done == 0) && (handle->timeout == 0))
/* add this handler */
可以尝试不用TXEN和RXEN控制射频开关,而通过sx1268_set_dio2_as_rf_switch_ctrl(&gs_handle, SX1268_BOOL_TRUE);
if ((a_sx1268_spi_read(handle, SX1268_COMMAND_GET_STATUS, (uint8_t *)buf, 1) != 0)
|| ((buf[0] & 0xf0) != 0x20)) /* status after reset should be stdby_rc */
handle->debug_print("sx1268: get status failed or status is not standby_rc after reset.\n"); /* get status failed */
(void)handle->spi_deinit(); /* spi deinit */
#ifdef SX1268_HAVE_RESET_PIN
(void)handle->reset_gpio_deinit(); /* reset gpio deinit */
(void)handle->busy_gpio_deinit(); /* busy gpio deinit */
return 6; /* return error */
That sounds like a good idea