Libby Baldwin
Libby Baldwin
How nice to see discussion just at the time I'm about to try it. I don't know if differences between OAuth 1 and 2 affect my past usage: OAuth 1...
I may be where irfancue left off - successfully logged in, got to my app's redirect uri, but what I really want is control of the whole thing.. after successful...
Hi to you both. Thanks for the follow ups. I'm currently not using jso, except for a modified parseQueryString(). All regarding oauth in my app is working! Perhaps OAuth2 is...
I like that you're trying to support PhoneGap/ChildBrowser, not completely convinced of it happening cleanly.. I need to read through jso again now that I know OAuth2 a little better....
I'm using the phonegap branch, with some success. I can log in, close browser, send url to jso, etc. I pass the redirect url to jso_checkfortoken, no problem. But -...
Test again latest Cordova (1.6.1 or ??) before changing.
Furthermore, sync of user's share settings will get mixed up if user logs in from a second device.
Still not fixed! Somthing fishy about Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and orientation change.