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Import failed when refreshing subscribed calendars
Hi, Whenever I try to refresh a susbscribed calendar like this one webcal://, I get 'Import failed' popup with no other clue. Trying to debug the issue, I came to find an issue in calendarcontroller.php. On line 505 :
$aMeta = $this -> stream_last_modified(trim($calendar['externuri']));
This returns NULL as fopen doesn't seem to handle the webcal protocol becasue when removing the error suppression on fopen in stream_last_modified method, I can see this in the log :
{"reqId":"VkMCi8CoAQEAAC0S1qUAAACI","remoteAddr":"xx.xx.xx.xx","app":"PHP","message":"fopen(webcal:// failed to open stream: No such file or directory at /var/www/localhost/htdocs/owncloud/apps/calendarplus/controller/calendarcontroller.php#832","level":3,"time":"2015-11-11T08:55:40+00:00","method":"POST","url":"/index.php/apps/calendarplus/refreshsubscribedcalendar"}
Any fix possible for this issue ?
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why not just using http(s) ? for the example URL above at Mozilla the calendar works fine while using http.
regards Thomas
Hi, For the example it may work fine, but :
- I'm not sure it will for other calendars
- When I tried with https, refreshing the calendar made all events disappear (still investigating and I will probably open another bug). Regards.
Most public calendars that offer ICS-files can be used via http(s), so mostly it will not to bad that the app doesn't act like a calendar client by using the webcal-protocol. if it will so in the future, it will be more like a new feature ;)
About the problem using https: yes, that looks like a bug, I think also.
Best regards Thomas