Move to a more recent version of libjnlua.so. More details at https://github.com/Samsung/GearVRf/pull/1064.
See https://github.com/Samsung/GearVRf/issues/1044; there have been others too. Investigate the technical limitations that prevents us from properly supporting this. While it is not likely a good idea to switch back and...
Pass true to GVRScene.setOcclusionQuery in gvr-simplesample or gvr-immersivepedia. Nothing is visible on the screen (all black).
For whatever is applicable - like msaa for example.
Namely ovrFrameParms's MinimumVsyncs and ExtraLatencyMode. Whether it should be in a backend-specific section or we can try to translate these or ignore for other backends is debatable.
Tracking Nola's suggestions here: I think we should group renderdatas by material and transparency sort as part of the cull process. I also think we should use bounding spheres instead...
A GVRVideoSceneObject can be created on any thread but its ctor creates an object on the GL thread. Between completion of the ctor call and this helper object being created,...
Per @NolaDonato: I suggest that we make a separate class for rendering statistics instead of adding these functions to the renderer. In the future we will probably want to keep...
I'd imagine we will get more of these - #807. My understanding is that this is where we will need texture streaming. What are our options there? What should we...