Derpibooru-dl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Derpibooru-dl copied to clipboard

Derpibooru downloader written in python. User interface is through text files.

Derpibooru Downloader

Instalation and configuration

There are two ways to run Derpibooru_dl, from a windows executable or directly from the script itself.

Standalone executable version for Windows

  • Suggested for anyone without programming experience.
  • This only contains the downloader itself.
  • Download the latest version (In green at the top) from
  • Extract the contents of the .zip into a folder.
  • Read the configuration section for the next steps.

Python scripts

  • This is only suggested for those with experience in using python.
  • You need to have Python version 2.6 or 2.7 installed first. You can download it here.
  • Then you need pip installed. See here for the docs.
  • Then in your command line, do pip install mechanize derpybooru.
  • Read the configuration section for the next steps.

Configuration and running for all versions

  • We need to run derpibooru_dl to create settings files.
    • On Windows, using the standalone executable version, run derpibooru_dl.exe.
    • On Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux, run python in a command line terminal.
  • Without a valid API key you will not be able to download anything not visible in the default guest view.
  • Copy your API key from
  • Past it to the appropriate line in the derpibooru_dl_config.cfg inside the config folder. (e.g. api_key = Ap1k3Yh3Re)
  • Put the queries you want to download in derpibooru_dl_tag_list.txt in the config folder, with one query per line.
  • Full derpibooru search syntax MAY be available. Syntax guide is available at
  • If your query works on the site but not in this script, please send a private message to my account "misspelledletter" on derpibooru.
  • Example of query list.
T4g 4
tag-five || tag-six
  • Run derpibooru_dl again to download your set.
  • After a tag has been processed, it will be written to the file derpibooru_done_list.txt, in the config folder.
  • Derpibooru-dl will close itself after it has finished.

Explaination of settings:

For boolean (yes or no) settings, use these: True or False (case sensitive!)

api_key = **Key used to access API (You will need to fill this in.)**

reverse = **Work backwards**
output_folder = **path to output to**
download_submission_ids_list = **Should submission IDs form the input list be downloaded**
download_query_list = **Should queries from the input list be downloaded**
output_long_filenames = **Should the derpibooru filenames be used? (UNSUPPORTED! USE AT OWN RISK!)**
input_list_path = **Path to a text file containing queries, ids, etc**
done_list_path = **Path to record finished tasks**
failed_list_path = **Path to record failed tasks**
save_to_query_folder = **Should each query/tag/etc save to a folder of QUERY_NAME or use one single folder for everything**
skip_downloads = **Should no downloads be attempted**
sequentially_download_everything = **Should the range download mode try to save every possible submission?**
go_backwards_when_using_sequentially_download_everything = **Start at the most recent submission instead of the oldest when trying to download everything.**
download_last_week = **Should the last 7000 submissions be downloaded (Approx 1 weeks worth)**
skip_glob_duplicate_check = **You should probably not use this unless you know what you are doing. (Speedhack for use with single output folder)**
move_on_fail_verification = **Should files that fail the verification be moved? If false they will only be copied.**
save_comments = **Should image comments be requested and saved, uses more resources on both client and server.**

show_menu **Should a text based menu be shown instead of automatically running the batch mode?**
hold_window_open = **Should the window be kept open after all tasks are done, to allow the user to confirm the program worked**

Example of typical settings

  • This configuration should be fine for most users
  • Make sure to use your own API key, the one here is just an example
api_key = Replace_this_with_your_API_key

reverse = False
output_folder = download
download_submission_ids_list = True
download_query_list = True
output_long_filenames = False
input_list_path = config\derpibooru_dl_tag_list.txt
done_list_path = config\derpibooru_done_list.txt
failed_list_path = config\derpibooru_failed_list.txt
save_to_query_folder = True
skip_downloads = False
sequentially_download_everything = False
go_backwards_when_using_sequentially_download_everything = False
download_last_week = False
skip_glob_duplicate_check = False
skip_known_deleted = True
deleted_submissions_list_path = config\deleted_submissions.txt
move_on_fail_verification = False
save_comments = False

show_menu = True
hold_window_open = True

Tips and Fixes

  • When editing settings or input lists, you may find that your text editor does not display items on different lines properly.
    • This is probably due to the text editor you are using, try using a different editor, such as notepad++
    • Known incompatible editors:
    Microsoft Notepad (Ships with Windows)
    • Known compatible editors:
    Notepad++ [](
  • ~~I've written a guide with screenshots for the windows .exe releases. Guide link~~