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Out-of-bounds errors from Data.Vector.Generic `(!)`, and weird 5px pictures from TikZ

Open mrkgnao opened this issue 8 years ago • 0 comments

This is my post:

title: Hello!
tags: nontechnical
preamble: \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb}\usepackage{tikz}\usetikzlibrary{calc,fadings,decorations.pathreplacing}


Some prettier stuff:

$$ \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw (0,0)--(10,0);
\filldraw (0,0) circle (3pt);

This is what I get:


This is an 11x6 image!

In addition, sometimes I get these weird errors while doing a ./site build:

  cached  templates/default.html
  cached  about.rst
    formula (displaymath) "\begin{tikzpictu"
  [ERROR] ./Data/Vector/Generic.hs:235 ((!)): index out of bounds (40,40)
    formula (displaymath) "\begin{tikzpictu"

mrkgnao avatar Mar 10 '16 09:03 mrkgnao