UIDevice-PasscodeStatus copied to clipboard
sometimes one of my users says it's not accruate.
one of my users with iPhone 5S, iOS(8.3) sometimes find that passcodeStatus is not accurate, is there anything wrong? or what i need to be notice?
I haven't tested this extensively myself as it was just something that I created off the back of adding TouchID support to one of my apps.
The readme does explain that it uses a strange technique of testing the Keychain to guess if the passcode is enabled or not so i'm not surprised that there might be some edge cases to it.. That is why the "unknown" enum is there as there is the potential for this to fail.
Do you have any more info about the scenarios where it is inaccurate?
most of the time, i use this check when app is just about to launching or app just about to bring back to foreground . maybe in viewWillAppear. i am not sure if that's related.
now, i use this library plus LAContext's canEvaluatePolicy:error: to double check passcode status. for example, if user's touchid is enable, then he must have passcode enable.
Hmm ok... When you say not accurate, is it just reporting unknown or incorrectly reporting either enabled or disabled?
i consider disabled and unknown are all disabled.
so , i get disable or unknown. when user's passcode is actually enabled
Disabled and Unknown mean two different things... It could be unknown for a number of reasons but still be present on the device.
From my testing, if you're checking it on the main thread (of a UIApplication, not an extension etc) while the application is active in the foreground then you always get either enabled or disabled back.
Because it's such a complicated way to work out if the passcode is active, there is always a chance that it can fail. That's why I included the unknown flag. I'd advise you take Unknown into account and handle it separately to the Disabled flag.. Not really sure of any other solutions I'm afraid.
Sent from my iPhone
On 25 Nov 2015, at 07:25, sunus [email protected] wrote:
i consider disabled and unknown are all disabled.
so , i get disable or unknown. when user's passcode is actually enabled
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ok, so , could you tell me what might cause "unknown" state? i will add more check on that
We specifically return this cause in a few places:
- if you're not on iOS 8 or higher
- if you're in the simulator
- if we're unable to create the access control item (if
SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly, kNilOptions, &sacError)
returns NULL) - if we don't get
back when we add the item (callingSecItemAdd()
It's most likely to be because of 3 or 4..
Best practice is to make sure that you call it on a main thread, while the app is active and not in an extension. I don't know of any other reasons why it might fail but you could try looking on Google/SO To see why the functions in 3/4 could fail?
Have a look at the code to see what they're doing..
Hope it helps
Sent from my iPhone
On 27 Nov 2015, at 05:11, sunus [email protected] wrote:
ok, so , could you tell me what might cause "unknown" state? i will add more check on that
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It seems that in iOS9.2 is almost never detecting when it is disabled. Have you tried with the last version? I have an iPhone6 and it almost always showing UNKNOWN when it is disabled.
I'm also receiving "unknown" on iOS 9.2. Tracing through I'm seeing that SecItemAdd
is returning errSecAuthFailed
. Changing line 71 from if (status == errSecDecode) {
to if (status == errSecDecode || status == errSecAuthFailed) {
appears to make it behave as I expect on 9.2. I haven't tested (and can't test) regressions on other OS versions.
Added pull request #9 with this change.
Following up from #9, I didn't see the comments here.. @kasas, can you expand upon "almost never"? Did you work out if it ever did report correctly?
Have you guys checked out LocalAuthentication.framework
since iOS 9? There are some new APIs in the header that aren't documented in the class reference (sigh).
Specifically the LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication
case on LAPolicy
From the header:
/// Device owner was authenticated by Touch ID or device passcode.
/// @discussion Touch ID or passcode authentication is required. If Touch ID is available, enrolled and
/// not locked out, user is asked for it first, otherwise they are asked to enter device
/// passcode. If passcode is not enabled, policy evaluation will fail.
/// Touch ID authentication dialog behaves similarly as the one used by
/// LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics. However, instead of "Enter Password"
/// button there is "Enter Passcode" button which, when tapped, switches the authentication
/// method and allows users to enter device passcode.
/// Passcode authentication will get locked after 6 unsuccessful attempts with progressively
/// increased backoff delay.
LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_11, 9_0) = kLAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication
I've not tested, and i'm not sure if I understand it correctly but this means that you could potentially do something like this:
LAContext *context = [LAContext new];
NSError *error;
BOOL passcodeEnabled = [context canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication error:&error];
if (error != nil) {
// error
} else if (passcodeEnabled) {
// user has their passcode set
} else {
// users passcode is not set
to work out if the passcode is set?
Might be worth checking it out... If you do, let me know how it goes
I can confirm that the LAPolicy
's flag LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication
works for testing if passcode has been set.
In that case, use that if you only care about iOS9+. I'll look at making an update to use LAContext if you're on 9 then fallback to the keychain test for 8 if I get time
Sent from my iPhone
On 16 Mar 2016, at 11:40, Heikki Hautala [email protected] wrote:
I can confirm that the LAPolicy's flag LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication works for testing if passcode has been set.
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Confirming what @heikkihautala said, plus wanted to note that LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication
also works on Simulator. (iOS9 restriction still applies)