UIDevice-PasscodeStatus copied to clipboard
Potential Memory Leak
Hey guys,
Great tool. Not too familiar with it, but has the latest release been tested for memory leaks?
I seem to be getting a few leaks (around 288 bytes, attached screenshot) each time I make the following call:
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] passcodeStatus] != LNPasscodeStatusEnabled) {
appAccess = MissingPasscode;
My Deployment Target's set to 8.0, running on iOS 9.3.1. Pod: 'UIDevice-PasscodeStatus', '~> 0.0.2'
This is in a function called on viewDidAppear. No leaks when I uncomment the code. Am I doing something wrong?
Cheers, Paul
Probably related to #4... could you try again pointing the pod to master?
I've been pretty bad at maintaining this as I don't actually use it... there was some discussion on another issue about if you're using iOS 9 you can do all this with the LocalAuthenticaion framework too... might be worth checking out to see if you actually need to use it.
Thanks Liam,
Not a problem I'll give your suggestions a try when I'm back at work.