> Hmm, how is ObjectMeta 3000x times more than podSpec? Especially if you do not have managedFields. Do you have like 1000s of annotations and labels?嗯,ObjectMeta 是 podSpec 的 3000...
Maybe i have same problem. Istio 1.21.0 
> However we do also record by reportAllEvents in pushConnection, this is completely not right, since this xds could not even be received by envoy. So, distribution report is also...
I am working on solving this problem for our production system. Try to get xDS PUSH result from Envoy ACK nonce(and its corresponding PUSH) in Istio.
> I did similar before, FYI #48542 > > Hope it is helpful Tks you very much! I've read it before you mentioned it. Great minds think alike/英雄所见略同.
It is necessary to reduce unnecessary diff generation
@drawing @chobits Thanks for review. It has been running on our production environment for years
> 1. 目前不支持后端upstream的H3协议,如果有广泛的业务场景需求,可以考虑排期支持。 > 在长连接业务中是有收益的,大量的客户端h3长连接到tengine,tengine到后端维持h3长连接。 > 2. angie这个queue相当于加了一层buffer,但队列满时,依旧是502,这个功能的意义不是很大。可以适当调整$upstream_read_time后端超时时间,并且保证客户端调用侧的超时时长大于后端upstream的超时时长。 现在是否有h2 upstream可以开源出来了?