gym-lgsvl copied to clipboard
AttributeError: 'LgsvlEnv' object has no attribute 'camera'
I have tried to execute gym-lgsvl.
When I have execute the following command
python -m --alg=a2c --env=gym_lgsvl:lgsvl-v0 --num_timesteps=1e5
I got an Attribute Error
AttributeError: 'LgsvlEnv' object has no attribute 'camera'
(check the screenshot)
Please help me to solve this
Thanks in Advance Malathi K
I haven't try it with OpenAI baselines yet, but using SAC Stable Baselines, everything works fine after i changed the code a bit in line 83 and 84 - typo and wrong argument respectively. Maybe try using stable baselines instead?
I don't think the error is related to OpenAI baselines. I am facing the same problem after creating the environment using env = gym.make('gym_lgsvl:lgsvl-v0'): AttributeError: 'LgsvlEnv' object has no attribute 'camera' . It seems you can't use the name "Lexus2016RXHybrid (Autoware)" in _setup_ego as it does not exist. If you change the name to "Jaguar2015XE", the vehicle exists but doesn't have any sensors. My understanding is that with the template "API Only" the name of the vehicle is not enough, you also have to specify the configuration ID. When, I am using the configuration ID, it is working.