diamond icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
diamond copied to clipboard

The smallest lightweight Docker container on the planet


Here it comes Diamond base image

Diamond is the smallest lightweight Docker container on the planet. With a footprint of 1.215 MB, it is even smaller than busybox:

REPOSITORY      TAG         IMAGE ID        CREATED          SIZE
lgsd/diamond    latest      b87c1c99c103    3 seconds ago    1.215 MB 
busybox         latest      769b9341d937    2 days ago       2.489 MB
ubuntu          12.04       8dbd9e392a96    8 months ago     131.3 MB 

Written as a part of my editorial project: "Docker Essentials" e-book. Made with Buildroot: making Embedded Linux easy, Diamond is a proof of concept "Base Image" to use for embedding self contained small apps on top of lightweight Docker boxes.


$ docker pull lgsd/diamond
$ docker run -i -t lgsd/diamond sh


Rebuild the Diamond by clone the current https://github.com/lgs/diamond source code

$ git clone https://github.com/lgs/diamond.git && cd diamond

Run the tarmaker meta-builder but don't forget to set “target architecture” menu. Select x86_64 when required by the GUI and exit

$ sh -x diamond-build.sh 

Now import with docker import, the new compiled rootfs image

$ docker import - diamond < ./rootfs.tar
$ docker run -i -t diamond sh
/ # uname -a
Linux 6c10f137a0d5 3.11.0-15-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 30 17:22:01 UTC 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Luca G. Soave