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meo-androidtv-patch copied to clipboard

Patch for MEO Android TV app to work on more devices

This patches the current version of to work on devices other than the officially supported devices:

  • Xiaomi Mi Box
  • Nvidia Shield
  • Official Meo Android TV Box

It should also allow it to run on rooted devices.

I have successfuly used this to get the app to work on a 2017 Sony Bravia running Android 8.

Disclaimer: Use at own risk and only if you are a paying MEO customer.

How to patch the APK:

  1. Get the APK (from, eg. apktada)

  2. Use apktool (2.4.1+) to decompress and decompile it:

apktool d

  1. Patch using the included .patch file:

$ cd $ patch -p1 <

  1. Rebuild the APK using apktool:

$ apktool b -f -v -o output.apk

  1. Create a self signing key (you will need android studio sdk tools for this):

$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias my-alias

  1. Sign the APK:

$ jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.jks output.apk my-alias

  1. zipalign it (this part is actually important):

$ zipalign -p -v 4 output.apk output-zipalign.apk

  1. Install the output-zipalign.apk on your device (via ADB) and enjoy.