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Fake86+: fork of Fake86 (a 8086 PC emulator), being reworked, extended, seriously work-in-progress ...
Fake86: A portable, open-source 8086 PC emulator. Copyright (C)2010-2013 Mike Chambers Copyright (C)2020 Gabor Lenart "LGB"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Fake86+: Please note, that this is not the original Fake86. !! !! It's under heavy refactoring by me (LGB). Currently it's already !! !! ported to SDL2, with many souce clean-up and reorganization, and !! !! a more mature build system. I have some kind of divergent goals !! !! you may expect from Fake86. Thus you may want to use the original !! !! Fake86 or forks done by others. !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Key features of my fork:
- Using SDL2 instead of SDL1
- Linux/UNIX oriented, Windows builds must be done with cross-compiling on Linux/UNIX (though WSL and/or MSYS2 on Windows are possibilities) using Mingw
- Serious code clean-up and reorganization
- Sooner or later migrate over my own (internal) BIOS completely. So no crude hacks will be needed anymore.
- Trying out other ways of CPU emulation optionally like KVM too (just because I'm interested in learning stuffs like this).
Main goals, kinda roadmap (only some ideas, far from being a complete list):
- Port to SDL2 [DONE]
- Move file operations to SDL2 [DONE]
- Move thread handling to SDL2 [DONE]
- Clean up source indenting / organization [IN-PROGRESS]
- Re-orgranize the tons of used global variables (maybe into structs) [TODO]
- Kill as much as possible non-static globals [IN-PROGRESS]
- Clean up ugly externs everywhere, have proper .h files [DONE]
- Better Makefile and stuffs [DONE]
- Cross-compilation for Windows on UNIX-like OS [DONE]
- Internal own Fake-BIOS, this is a BIG task [IN-PROGRESS]
- Clean up internal logic, layout and implementation of ... well everything [IN-PROGRESS]
- Better separation of various tasks (ie CPU emulator is CPU emulator ONLY) [IN-PROGRESS]
- Maybe rewrite CPU emulation fully, to be faster/more cleaner [TODO]
- Enhance emulation of various things [TODO]
- Kill various 'hacks' needed because of emulation problems [TODO]
- Provide "emulation hooks" internal OS (DOS) can use to interact with the host [TODO]
- Enhance emulation performance [TODO]
- Rewrite at least these modules: "console" and parameter parsing [TODO]
- Introduce some crude speed control (a given emulated CPU clock or so) [TODO]
- PC-AT like features, both on hardware (including HMA!) and software (BIOS) level [TODO]
- Probably supporting 286 protected mode later [TODO]
- Text-only mode for emulation from a terminal/console! [TODO]
- Wild idea, include optinally some DOS implementation though it sounds like DOSBOX a bit [TODO/FORGET?]
- Wild idea, allow optinal KVM accelerated "CPU implementation" on Linux [IN-PROGRESS]
(note "DONE" means "basically have something", but maybe far from perfect)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
The full terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, under which this software is release, are contained in the text file LICENSE
** IMPORTANT ** Remember that Fake86 requires command line parameters to work. If you are just launching it by double-clicking on the .exe in Windows Explorer, it won't work.
To contact the author of Fake86, Mike Chambers:
Send an e-mail to miker00lz
Official Fake86 homepage: http://fake86.rubbermallet.org
Instructions for compiling and installing Fake86 are in the text files INSTALL.linux and INSTALL.win, please read whichever file is suited for your target platform if you are compiling from source.