Lucas Garron
Lucas Garron See #47 for the server-side rendering issue. It may that there is a simpler solution for this on the client.
If someone is implementing a new puzzle/feature we didn't anticipate, it would be nice if they could hook into a simple plugin API to control: - parsing algs - puzzle...
## Official - [x] Pyraminx (any ordedimensions + edge twisting?) - [x] Megaminx (any dimensions) - [x] Skewb (any dimensions) - [ ] Clock (NxNxN?) - [ ] Square-1 (any...
We have a good parser generator, but we could get some benefits from writing our own: - Better error messages for parsing errors - Streaming/incremental parsing - Very efficient
The gold standard for this right now is
In principle (and as suggested by three.js demos), it's not hard to capture mouse/touch events and use them to animate moves on the cube. I think the main issue here...
- Sliding puzzles - Continuous sliding mechamisms: (similar to an abacus)