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Orleans MultiClient 中文
is an Orleans multi-client, with simple configuration you can easily connect to Orleans Slio.
can connect to many different Orleans Slio, Orleans.MultiClient Orleans Grain automatically finds Orleans clients upon request.
Note:Orleans.MultiClient only supports .NET Core platform.
Getting Started
PM> dotnet add package Orleans.MultiClient
Simple example
A simple example demonstrates how Orleans.MultiClient connects to two different services (A, B).
Note:The source code for the simple example is in the example folder in the Github repository
1、Add the Grain interface package of A and B to the project of Orleans Client
<PackageReference Include="Orleans.MultiClient" Version="3.1.0" />
<!--A Slio Grain interface package-->
<ProjectReference Include="..\Orleans.Grain2\Orleans.Grain2.csproj" />
<!--B Slio Grain interface package-->
<ProjectReference Include="..\Orleans.Grain\Orleans.Grain.csproj" />
2、Configure Orleans.MultiClient and inject Orleans.MultiClient into IServiceCollection
services.AddOrleansMultiClient(build =>
build.AddClient(opt =>
opt.ServiceId = "A";
opt.ClusterId = "AApp";
opt.Configure = (b =>
b.UseLocalhostClustering(gatewayPort: 30000);
build.AddClient(opt =>
opt.ServiceId = "B";
opt.ClusterId = "BApp";
opt.Configure = (b =>
b.UseLocalhostClustering(gatewayPort: 30001);
3、Request A Slio and B Slio separately
Note: Before requesting, A Slio and B Slio need to be started, otherwise the request will fail.
// Request A Slio.
var serviceA = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOrleansClient>().GetGrain<IHelloA>(1);
var resultA = serviceA.SayHello("Hello World Success GrainA").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
// Request B Slio.
var serviceB = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOrleansClient>().GetGrain<IHelloB>(1);
var resultB = serviceB.SayHello("Hello World Success GrainB").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
method supports IServiceCollection and GenericHost configuration.
Configure Orleans Slio connection
Configure connectivity for a single Orleans Slio.
services.AddOrleansMultiClient(build =>
build.AddClient(opt =>
opt.ServiceId = "A";
opt.ClusterId = "AApp";
opt.Configure = (b =>
b.UseLocalhostClustering(gatewayPort: 30000);
// b.UseStaticClustering(...);
// b.UseConsulClustering(...); // Configure Consul
// b.UseKubeGatewayListProvider(); // Configure Kubernetes
// b.UseAdoNetClustering(...); // Configure MySql and SQLServer
Global configuration, common to all clients
services.AddOrleansMultiClient(build =>{
build.Configure(b =>{
// b.UseKubeGatewayListProvider(); // Configure Kubernetes
// b.UseAdoNetClustering(...); // Configure MySql and SQLServer
build.AddClient(opt =>
opt.ServiceId = "A";
opt.ClusterId = "AApp";