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[Web] create a section for Certified CNFs/products on CNTI Landing Page
Describe the update: create a section on for Certified CNFs/products on landing page
Describe why update is needed
- CNF WG (and CNCF’s related Cloud Native Telco efforts) has moved to LFN (see wiki)
- what we had under CNCF: https://www.cncf.io/training/certification/cnf/#logos
- what we would like to have under LFN: update the landing page w/ certified products https://lfnetworking.org/cloud-native-telecom-initiative/
- [ ] Decide if we want to showcase certified products on the Landing Page https://lfnetworking.org/cloud-native-telecom-initiative/
- [ ] Mock design ideas
- [ ] Request LFN web team to implement changes on https://lfnetworking.org/cloud-native-telecom-initiative/
- [ ] Request CNCF web team to deactivate old landing page (https://www.cncf.io/training/certification/cnf)