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Automatic cleanup for the Rails db/structure.sql file (ActiveRecord/PostgreSQL)

Results 12 activerecord-clean-db-structure issues
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Updates the requirements on [rake]( to permit the latest version. Changelog Sourced from rake's changelog. === 13.0.6 Additional fix for #389 Pull request #390 by hsbt === 13.0.5 Fixed the...


In Rails 6.1, running `rake db:structure:dump` prints a deprecation warning. The `db:migrate` task appears to invoke `db:schema:dump` instead. This change allows the cleanup to happen as expected when running migrations...

I introduced a primary key into my schema with a `character varying` as datatype but still `id` as it's name. In order for this to work I had to disable...

Hi there, we just introduced a secondary database to our Rails 6 app and were surprised to see `db:migrate` fail with this error: ``` Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory...

The ordering of columns is a great option that we use for a while now. The current implementation however does not take table CONSTRAINTs into account. This results in all...

Maybe you should add a property to allow removal or keeping the extensions? I faced the problem where it would be very useful. For instance: ``` config.activerecord_clean_db_structure.ignore_extensions = true ```...

This adds the ability to ignore certain tables when doing column reordering. Having this feature is particularly useful when there are Postgres DB functions (or other such things) that rely...

This PR adds a new option that can deal with default dates. Sometimes when you use a `DateTime.current` or something similar in a migration as a default value for a...

Sequence created without table should not be dropped from dump