
Results 17 comments of Lexo

Next, we implement serde only for MapObject and lock the HashMap during serialize

I've read the documentation carefully and I seem to have found the method. I just need to implement serde to WriteHandle and I'm good to go. Thank you, I will...

How to convert evmap::WriteHandle to evmap:: readhandle?I'm implementing `serde::Serialize ` for evmap:: writehandle

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50535010/90255407-d76d6780-de76-11ea-81da-51a8dfccf60b.png) [https://docs.rs/evmap/11.0.0-alpha.1/evmap/struct.WriteHandle.html#method.read](url) I'm confused about this document

If you want to save HashMap to enum and implement serde for enum.How can this be handled?I don't know how to store HashMap right now. Should I save WriteHandle, MapReadRef....

Hello,Jonhoo.I had some problems and I couldn't understand why evmap provided evmap::Values .Is it because evmap is ultimately consistent?That is, we may have to wait for them to execute WriteHandle::...

Does `multiset' mean multiple identical copies? If so.We just need one value!