Unity-Twitch-Chat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Unity-Twitch-Chat copied to clipboard

Lightweight and easy-to-use Twitch IRC client for Unity.


This is a lightweight Twitch.tv IRC client for Unity. Multithreading is used for reading/writing chat messages.

Unity Twitch Chat allows you to integrate Twitch Chat to your Unity projects.


  • Only normal chat messages are currently supported. Whispers, subscriber messages, etc are not implemented.
  • WebGL is not supported.

Chat message parsing sample


  1. Twitch Account
  2. Twitch OAuth token (You can generate one at https://twitchapps.com/tmi/)

Quick start

  1. Download the latest .unitypackage from releases
  2. Import the .unitypackage to your Unity project
  3. Add the TwitchIRC prefab into your scene (TwitchIRC/Prefabs/TwitchIRC.prefab)
  4. Enter your Twitch details in the inspector of TwitchIRC
    • oauth = the oauth token you generated
    • nick = your Twitch login name
    • channel = the Twitch channel you want to connect to
  5. Add the ExampleIRCListener prefab into your scene (TwitchIRC/Prefabs/ExampleIRCListener.prefab)
  6. Hit play! TwitchIRC should connect to your chosen Twitch channel and start listening to messages
  7. Create your own listener scripts to fit your needs (look at the ExampleIRCListener.cs script for help and examples)

Having issues? I recommend looking at the included ExampleProject for a better understanding

Included example project (Unity 2021.2.12f1)

Spawns chatters as jumping rigidbody boxes




  • TwitchIRC.IRC_Connect() -> Connects to Twitch IRC
  • TwitchIRC.IRC_Disconnect() -> Disconnects from Twitch IRC
  • TwitchIRC.SendChatMessage(string) -> Sends a Twitch chat message


  • Chatter.GetRGBAColor() -> Returns chatter's name color in RGBA format
  • Chatter.IsDisplayNameFontSafe() -> Returns true if chatter's displayName is "font safe" meaning that it only contains characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _
  • Chatter.MessageContainsEmote(string id) -> Returns true if chat message contains a specific emote (id)
  • Chatter.HasBadge(string name) -> Returns true if chatter has a specific badge

Projects made with Unity Twitch Chat

Intro Fighters, stream overlay game https://lexone.itch.io/introfighters

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