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Using setParts in Lexik Form Filter Bundle with join in original QueryBuilder
Hello, I have a specific problem with Lexik Form Filter Bundle in Symfony 3.4. I implemented a function in order to retrieve a list of objects. It exploits joining of entities as follows:
public function getQueryBuilderMediaContents($page, $limit = 20, $orderBy = 'id', $orderType = Criteria::ASC) { $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('mc'); $mediaContentsIds = array(); $countryIds = array(); $this->getMediaContentCountriesMaxReachPercent($mediaContentsIds, $countryIds); return $qb->select('mc, mcc, mcp, mcco') ->join(MediaContentsCampaigns::REPOSITORY, 'mcc', Expr\Join::WITH, $qb->expr()->eq('mc', 'mcc.mediaContent')) ->join('mcc.campaign', 'c') ->join(MediaContentsProducts::REPOSITORY, 'mcp', Expr\Join::WITH, $qb->expr()->eq('mc', 'mcp.mediaContent')) ->join('mcp.productGroup', 'p') ->leftJoin(MediaContentsCountries::REPOSITORY, 'mcco', Expr\Join::WITH, $qb->expr()->eq('mc', 'mcco.mediaContent')) ->join('mcco.country', 'co') ->where($qb->expr()->andX( $qb->expr()->in('mcco.mediaContent', $mediaContentsIds), $qb->expr()->in('mcco.country', $countryIds) ) ) ->setFirstResult($offset) ->setMaxResults($limit) ->orderBy($orderBy, $orderType) ->groupBy('mc.id') ; }
Please, note that $mediaContentsIds and $countryIds are passed by reference to $this->getMediaContentCountriesMaxReachPercent(). In this way, I retrieve a QueryBuilder object, which is subsequently passed to Lexif Form Filter Bundle inside a suitable Controller, as follows:
/** @var QueryBuilder $qbContents */ $qbContents = $repo->getQueryBuilderMediaContents($page, $limit, $orderBy, $orderType); $filterForm = $this->get('form.factory')->create(MediaContentsFilterType::class); if ($request->query->has($filterForm->getName())) { // manually bind values from the request $filterForm->submit($request->query->get($filterForm->getName())); // build the query from the given form object $qbUpdater = $this->get('lexik_form_filter.query_builder_updater'); $qbUpdater->addFilterConditions($filterForm, $qbNumContents); $qbUpdater->setParts(array( '__root__' => 'mc', 'mc.mediaContentCampaigns' => 'mcc', 'mc.mediaContentProducts' => 'mcp', 'mc.mediaContentCountries' => 'mco', )) // set the joins ->addFilterConditions($filterForm, $qbContents) // then add filter conditions ; }
Now, you see the way I used setParts, but I am not pretty sure about it, since the way I joined tables within getQueryBuilderMediaContents() function. On the other hand, I was forced to join tables in that way, since MediaContents entity is related to MediaContentsCampaigns, MediaContentsProducts and MediaContentsCountries entities by means of One-To-Many mappings.
Please, how to work with setParts function of Lexik FormFilter Bundle correctly, as per the case described? Am I correct, or should I change something? Thanks for your replies.