Amy Troschinetz

Results 84 comments of Amy Troschinetz

A workaround I found was to use the `entry` option and passing a short script to `/bin/sh`. I could have also passed something like `terraform -chdir=/path/to/dir validate` to the shell,...

Interesting, this seems to be partly affected by UI Theme. I can't recreate the issue with `native-ui`, but I can with `atom-dark`.

Hrm, it also seems to be the case that my LESS code I wrote to specifically handle this case is not being fully honored. The element in question is an...

@AlecRust for now you can disable dragging on split pane tab bars using this in your Atom Stylesheet: ```less atom-pane-resize-handle + atom-pane { .tab-bar { -webkit-app-region: no-drag !important; } }...