This issue is more a note for myself: 1. If a game is paused by the user, with "build while paused" is on, you can open a mustPause window (e.g....
Amendments for better operation **Describe what the proposed change does** - Release status badge now in the `for-the-badge` format to vertically align with the text. It now also links out...
**Describe what the proposed change does** - Retires old VIP string references that are no longer supported (planned for 2024 release) Can someone check to make sure all the brackets...
### What feature or enhancement would you like to add? Pulled from the CorsixTH Blog: >can you make different design of save- and load-game screens? Both menu items are located...
Adds changelog ready for next release. NB: As we're now planning to use the revision number more strictly, we should probably also start adding the .0 The following text below...
Currently all our disease files use a hard coded value for cure cost. However, the level config files can define these using `#expertise[x].StartPrice` Changing these shouldn't be too difficult; it...
The new spawn point checker code from #2447 has a false trigger when saving a new map. This is because the game isn't being told about map changes (it's checking...
*Fixes #2690* **Describe what the proposed change does** - The idle tick counter for the demo movie used draw events. With `track_fps` these can happen very quickly - Changed it...
Originally mentioned by @tobylane as part of #2531, and a few users from discord, the changes to the money bar to work properly with CJK languages is less appealing to...