
Results 345 comments of lewri

@mugmuggy wondering how the state of play is with this now? Alberth laid down new player hospital and ai hospital foundations, so imagine some things would need moving about here...


Have confirmed this one goes back to 0.62 at least.

In original game level 7, are the ponds still drawn on the town map?

So I checked Level 1 in DOSBOX. It looks like they shouldn't be drawn on the map at all... ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20030128/185789799-9d0cfd7c-f5a2-4d72-85cf-0db262dd3ac7.png)

And level 7: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20030128/185789901-7004f784-ce3d-4ba8-9b77-b7b36e5db451.png) So in reality, we shouldn't be drawing these pond/water tiles on our maps at all.

Iirc patients can't fall inside rooms. So think you should be fine unless females are stripping around the hospital

@mugmuggy May need to be it's own issue but it looks like some recent update means triggering falls in earthquakes is causing the adviser to repeatedly saying the "These people...

I think we lost the GitHub logs on this one, if you wanted to try and regenerate them.

>Patients randomly choose a fall direction then that direction doesn't change, the random would have them fall one way, lay another and then stand up again in another Unfortunately I...