I have a more aesthetic but not ideally coded solution for this now. Since it's the only place where the bitmap font is a better fit than the language file...
That may be a persistence problem that needs sorting I'm guessing. @TheCycoONE ?
@hacker-cat just pushed an update for this. If you have time did you want to see if the moneybar is fixed?
Replicated. I'll patch this now.
This one is stuck for merge for some reason. May need a rebase. @TheCycoONE are you happy with the changes?
Can we investigate this one any further?
Nothing to proceed on here really without a before problem save. Users account deleted so we can't get that.
As the lua console is a developer use item (mainly) and we have debug_script it's unlikely we need this right now.
Currently a bug in this one -- selecting the `Autosaves` directory on save causes a text output of `Autes`. Will look into it.
PR updated now to remove as much external knowledge as possible. > Also don't forget to test the directory browser, some changes seem suspect for when the target is suppose...