It looks like the mini window doesn't know where to focus as the handyman repairs... Unless when repairing it makes the game think he is standing on a specific tile...
I remember reading somewhere that when a humanoid has an object animation, they become part of the object I think. That might be why they disappear? And likely yes, the...
This bit of C++ reports back the marker of the humanoid for the mini-window. May be useful: https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH/blob/98186d60f56a2871d38d4a2689859e39d138bc55/CorsixTH/Src/th_lua_anims.cpp#L562-L570
I believe this one might require a recording. But I'll do my best to get on it
Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/1p24vm6g1ds7gea/0pyqa-j01g0.webm?dl=0
Nope. This effect can happen even if they're the only person in the room. It also only happens in that orientation. Edit: Also confirmed on handymen, so the bug likely...
> This looks to be a frame desync complicated by using the object with split animations. > > The staff member in this case is a junior doctor. Entity.tick has...
Note for this to be tidied ``CorsixTH/CMakeLists.txt:131: Line ends in whitespace [whitespace/eol]``
@alexandre-lavoie Did you plan to continue with this one?
Looks better. Thanks Toby.