
Results 345 comments of lewri

It looks like the mini window doesn't know where to focus as the handyman repairs... Unless when repairing it makes the game think he is standing on a specific tile...

I remember reading somewhere that when a humanoid has an object animation, they become part of the object I think. That might be why they disappear? And likely yes, the...

This bit of C++ reports back the marker of the humanoid for the mini-window. May be useful: https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH/blob/98186d60f56a2871d38d4a2689859e39d138bc55/CorsixTH/Src/th_lua_anims.cpp#L562-L570

I believe this one might require a recording. But I'll do my best to get on it

Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/1p24vm6g1ds7gea/0pyqa-j01g0.webm?dl=0

Nope. This effect can happen even if they're the only person in the room. It also only happens in that orientation. Edit: Also confirmed on handymen, so the bug likely...

> This looks to be a frame desync complicated by using the object with split animations. > > The staff member in this case is a junior doctor. Entity.tick has...

Note for this to be tidied ``CorsixTH/CMakeLists.txt:131: Line ends in whitespace [whitespace/eol]``

@alexandre-lavoie Did you plan to continue with this one?