
Results 345 comments of lewri

Hunch that if the strings aren't lining up perfectly it causes this crash. Is this a C related bug or lua?

From some tinkering, if you go into editing the affected room, then backing out, it sometimes seems to give the human a poke. You could also try sending the person...

It looks like this fixes the first song playback. Unfortunately, however it isn't sent until music is played. The volume of the opening music is still stuck sadly until you...

Been a few years this issue went cold but I would support aligning more with original as per mugmuggy's comments.

Do we know if this glitch is still happening? I've not played many custom maps and not got into a situation of needing to send a bloaty head patient to...

NB: Preset resolutions `640x480` and `800x600` cause tips window to be obscured by the main menu.

@colinjmatt Do you have the ability to attempt replicating this?

I would like to see this one make the next release, as it does offer quite a marked improvement to finding work.

> The fix has had some funky behaviour in scenarios where a Dr calls to the room, patient leaves for toilet, before call is completed, then the staff member leaves...

It's not always just other objects. Sometimes they will just be walking in a random place then go back. Also vomiting is fun for this. They slide through walls