akka-tracing copied to clipboard
A distributed tracing extension for Akka. Provides integration with Play framework, Spray and Akka HTTP.
Hi, can SpanMetadata be used to propagate span information? How to do I get traceId and span Id of parent and how can they be attached to child in different...
Brave 4.2+ has all sorts of goodies to help development. All the instrumentation standard instrumentation will use it starting in Brave 4.3 https://github.com/openzipkin/brave/tree/master/brave#brave-api-v4 You can see an example of another...
Getting spans that go through the http directives is nice but the application is still opaque since I am not using explicit actors. My application is based on akka streams...
Is it possible to either list what changes to make to `activator-play-tracing` or update the project to make it work with Play 2.5 as they have made some breaking changes...
Tried to use spray client tracing and manually sample/ClientSend/ClientRecieve. Service name always `unknown`.
Hey, i'm wondering if it would be possible to send the collected data to a HTTP-Endpoint? If I'm not mistaken only "thrift-transport" is supported, right? Many thanks for the help!
See https://github.com/openzipkin/brave/blob/master/brave-core/src/main/java/com/github/kristofa/brave/SpanId.java#L21
the zipkin core annotations, cs, sr, ss, cr all have the host/endpoint field to the "local" process, just like if you were making a log statement. So, if you are...