GRKContainerViewController icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GRKContainerViewController copied to clipboard

A container UIViewController providing the ability to easily transition from one contained view controller to another, with an optional animation.


A container UIViewController providing the ability to easily transition from one contained view controller to another, with an optional animation.

Sample Screenshot

Future Ideas

  • Allow custom transition animations.


If you're using CocoPods it's as simple as adding this to your Podfile:

pod 'GRKContainerViewController', '~> 1.0'

otherwise, simply add GRKContainerViewController.h and GRKContainerViewController.m to your project.


GRKContainerViewController was designed to be used as the mechanism to swap out view controllers in a predefined location upon some action, like the selection of a segmented control.

The main API is simple:

- (void)setViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated completion:(void(^)(UIViewController *viewController))completion;

which should be called when a new view controller is to be displayed inside the container.

Optionally you can set the viewController property, which will change the displayed view controller, but without any transition animation.

Below is a screen shot of a typical storyboard setup (taken from the sample app in the repository). This configuration allows for easy embedding of view controllers which can be swapped programmatically with the GRKContainerViewController.


Additional documentation is available in GRKContainerViewController.h and example usage can be found in the GRKContainerViewControllerTestApp source.

Disclaimer and Licence


A professional iOS engineer by day, my name is Levi Brown. Authoring a technical blog, I am reachable via:

Twitter @levigroker @levigroker
Email [email protected]

Your constructive comments and feedback are always welcome.