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Issue in executing below code - # Remove Professional Access passes over date threshold
Hi @levi-turner
I am trying to remove the Professional Access passes over date threshold date. However not working and getting below error.
Set the inactivity threshold. This is interactive. A non-interactive version can use this approach:
$InactivityThreshold = '30' # This is for 30 days
$InactivityThreshold = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the username date threshold for inactivity (e.g. 90)'
Get date format for 90 days ago
$date = Get-Date $date = $date.AddDays(-$InactivityThreshold) $date = $date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") $time = Get-Date $time = $time.GetDateTimeFormats()[109] $inactive = $date + ' ' + $time
Connect using Qlik-CLI
Connect-Qlik | Out-Null
Write-Host $inactive
Remove Professional Access passes over date threshold
Get-QlikProfessionalAccessType -filter "lastUsed lt '$inactive'" -full | Remove-QlikProfessionalAccessType
Remove-QlikProfessionalAccessType : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input. At line:21 char:76
- Get-QlikProfessionalAccessType -filter "lastUsed lt '$inactive'" -full |
Remov ...+
- CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: ([{"id":"acdefff...alAccessType
"}]:PSObject) [Remove-QlikProfessionalAccessType], ParameterBindingExcepti
on + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Remove-QlikProfessionalAcces sType
- CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: ([{"id":"acdefff...alAccessType
"}]:PSObject) [Remove-QlikProfessionalAccessType], ParameterBindingExcepti