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Change deploy process to GH Actions
Per discussion on listserv, moving deploy process to github actions. @tingeber and @joncamfield are working on this. Thanks to Tin's scripting of actions, we are now in test/tweak and rollout. Below is the live to-do:
LU deploy next steps.md
TEST deploy
- [x] Create test repo, gh-pages
- [x] set up test dns,
- [x] set up keys for test
- [x] create new test branch in main
- [x] figure out url and baseurl setting in CI ymls ( --baseurl does NOT work - sets subdomain, must use custom config)
- [x] change the workflow from the PR to work with deploy keys:
- [x] push to test, and, uh... test?
- [x] test echo > for figuring out CNAME management
- [x] test directory goes to root and works
- [x] test that site baseurl directs links correctly
Status: complete; https://test.level-up.cc is running from the level-up-test repo as a static site, which is rebuilt from the level-up repo's test branch
DEV deploy
- [x] pull workflows into dev branch or they won't run
- [x] fi- [x] whatever I did to the cname run file for test in dev
- [x] pull request to point to test (only?)
- [x] cross-update all branches (dev/test)
- [x] Get Dev branch live; pending DNS changes at deflect
- [x] Test dev deploy process
Status: Not complete
LIVE deploy
- [x] Apply test/dev workflow updates to gh-pages as relevant
- [x] create temporary "live" subdomain for gh-pages served locally from the level-up gh-pages repo?
- [x] test live build (urls, etc.)
- [x] check matomo settings
- [x] Flag deflect stats loss
- [ ] Change dns setting for live
- [ ] change github pages settings to level-up.cc instead of ghpages subdomain
Post-live checks
- [ ] Re-check matomo stat tracker
Status: Ready for switchover
Deploy keys : https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/managing-deploy-keys https://cpina.github.io/push-to-another-repository-docs/setup.html#ssh-deploy-key-vs-api-token-github https://cpina.github.io/push-to-another-repository-docs/setup-using-ssh-deploy-keys.html#setup-ssh-deploy-keys https://github.com/levelupcc/level-up-dev/settings/keys