hexo-theme-aero-dual copied to clipboard
Aero Dual Hexo Theme
A hexo theme with aero, responsive design. Easy switch of dark and light style by simple config (will explain below). You can also change theme color by modifying corresponding stylesheet. Each style has FIVE colors ready to use (check it out!).
See It Live Here (configured as light theme style, blue theme color).
Please note:
This theme does not support widgets(other than tag, category and archive) and article comments(Disqus and others) out of the box. Adding them would be a big maybe, depending on my current workload.
If you really like this theme, feel free to tweak and play with it on adding them by yourself. Also, checking out other hexo themes may help. :)
Third party libraries used
- Bootstrap
- Highlight.js (for code highlight)
- Typo.css (for better Chinese reading experience)
$ git clone https://github.com/levblanc/hexo-theme-aero-dual.git themes/aero-dual
Aero-dual was developed under Hexo 3.2.2, other hexo versions' capatabilities are not tested yet.
Modify theme
setting in your blog's main _config.yml
to aero-dual
# Extensions
## Plugins: http://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: http://hexo.io/themes/
theme: aero-dual
cd themes/aero-dual
git pull
You will have to start hexo server
locally to see the changes.
Change Theme Style
In your blog's main _config.yml
, configure theme_style
as dark
or light
(this is where dual
in the theme's name comes in to play). Restart your server after modifying the theme_style
to see the change.
# theme_style is default to 'light'
theme_style: dark
Change Theme Color
To do this, you need to dig into the theme's stylesheets.
Under the following path:
There are two stylesheet files: style.light.styl
and style.dark.styl
(OK, if you really don't know how to find them following the above path, just search the files by name in your project :) )
Let's use style.light.styl
as example. You will see colors already pre-configured in this file:
/* basic colors */
$color-white = #FFF
$color-black = #555
$color-beige = #F0E8DF
$color-grey = #85878A
$color-light-grey = #E1E1E1
/* theme colors */
$light-red = #F03838
$light-pink = #EA4D8A
$light-orange = #ff6347
$light-blue = #1999EC
$light-purple = #B27DF4
/* modify value of $theme-color to theme colors specify above
to enable different theme colors */
$theme-color = $light-blue
$theme-text-color = $color-black
$theme-background = $color-white
$theme-code-background = $color-beige
$theme-seperator = $color-light-grey
$theme-dotted-seperator = $color-grey
Now Change $light-blue
to $light-orange
, and save the file.
$theme-color = $light-orange
If you have hexo-browsersync
installed locally, the page will automatically refresh when you change the $theme-color
value. If you haven't installed this package, just refresh the page by yourself.
This way, you can add even more colors to the stylesheet and change it whenever you want. style.dark.styl
works just the same.
Even more, you can configure all colors in this stylesheet to your content.
PS: I haven't figured out the way to pass settings in _config.yml
into stylesheets. If this can be done, it would be much easier to configure colors, rather than having users to change values in stylesheets. Please send me an email or open a new issue if any one knows how to do this. Thanks!
Banner image
Modify use_header_cover
to enable/disable banner.
Modify index_cover
in the theme's _config.yml
to change banner image.
# Set to false to disable banner
use_header_cover: true
# URL of the banner image
# Put your custom banner image under
# the theme's img folder: your-blog/themes/aero-dual/source/img/
# and modify index_cover's value like so:
# index_cover: /img/your-custom-banner.jpg
# or
# Put your custom banner image under
# your blog's images folder: your-blog/source/images/
# and modify index_cover's value like so:
# index_cover: /images/your-custom-banner.jpg
# or
# Specify an online resource like so:
# index_cover: http://somewhere.com/path/to/banner.jpg
index_cover: /img/default-banner-dark.jpg
Up till this step, even if you don't change the theme color, you'll have at lease FOUR variations of the theme: dark
style with or without home page banner; light
style with or without home page banner.
Post's Banner Image
Home page banner and post page banner is set to be the same by default. You can specify a custom cover in the front-matter:
title: My awesome title
date: 2016-07-25 18:38:45
tags: ["awesome"]
cover: /images/awesome-bg.jpg # <= remember to add this line in your post
You will need to create an images
folder under your blog's source
folder, and put your own awesome-bg.jpg
in it for the above config to work. Of course, you can use whatever folder and image names you want, but be sure to reference them correctly in the cover
├── _config.yml
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── public
├── scaffolds
├── source
│ ├── _posts
│ └── images # <= here
└── themes
Also, be aware of the color of the cover image you choose, since the title and menu color are set to white by default. Texts are very hard to distinguish in white backgrounds, although I've given the texts some shadow already.
Modify menu
values in the theme's _config.yml
and Email
values to your own info.
# Header Menu
Home: /
Archives: /archives
Github: https://github.com/<your-github-path> # e.g.: https://github.com/levblanc
Email: mailto:<your-email-address> # e.g.: mailto:[email protected]
and Email
to other names you want, follow by values
# Header Menu
Home: /
Archives: /archives
Twitter: <your-twitter-account>
Instagram: <your-instagram-account>
Configuable texts
Default words used for post title, category, tag, excerpt (when not specified) and archive page title are configured in the theme's languages/en.yml
and languages/zh_CN.yml
# en.yml
untitled_post: Untitled Post
uncategorized: Uncategorized
untagged: Untagged
no_excerpt: No Post Excerpt
archive_title: Blog Archives
Other Configs
Configure your Google Analytics Tracking ID, favicon in the theme's _config.yml
# favicon
favicon: /favicon.png
# Google Analytics Tracking ID