Luis Valencia

Results 27 comments of Luis Valencia

Same here! Good answer: There are 244 people in the Profiles table. I didnt ask this! Question: What are the top 5 favorite sports? SQLQuery:SELECT TOP 5 [FavoriteSport], COUNT(*) as...

> when I try your versions: **typing-inspect==0.8.0 typing_extensions==4.5.0 openai==0.27.8 langchain==0.0.230 streamlit python-dotenv pinecone-client streamlit-chat chroma==0.2.0 chromadb==0.3.27 tiktoken pymssql pydantic==1.10.8** I get an error: **ERROR: Cannot install -r requirements.txt (line 10),...

comment from @baskaryan worked pip install chromadb==0.3.26 pydantic==1.10.8

indeed docs is empty, thanks for pointing that out

that doesnt work but the error changed. 1 validation error for ConversationalRetrievalChain prompt extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra)

I am trying to search for documentation on this, my client prefers to use Azure Service where available, if Cognitive Search can be used as Vector database then this would...

> embeddings: OpenAIEmbeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings( openai_api_base= f"https://{AZURE_OPENAI_SERVICE}", openai_api_type='azure', deployment='text-embedding-ada-002', openai_api_key=AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, chunk_size=1, ) this worked for me I think open AI SDK changed, because my code was working in the past.

> openai_api_type='azure', Yes, Adding openai_api_type='azure', fixes the issue langchain==0.0.232