flutter_staggered_grid_view copied to clipboard
well,i like this lib very much ,but when i update 0.6.0, i don't know how to finish the page ,but in 0.4.1 i can do it.i hope u add
the function again ,or teach me how to do it in new version, thank you.
by the way ,it's many dat
same issue here!
same problem
same, it seems SliverStaggeredGrid
was removed without any info in the changelog.
same issue, emmmm, no info in changelog
waiting for an amazing answer.
Same issue here #223, and the answer is to migrate in MasonryGridView
if this can help, that work for me ;)
Same issue here #223, and the answer is to migrate in MasonryGridView
if this can help, that work for me ;)
actually ,i tried MasonryGridView also,but no StraggeredTile.count,so i dont know how to finish this kind of page.still waiting update~~~
See #210 for info why it isnt supported anymore (performance). The main problem is that there is no info in changelog and no migration guide / recommendations.
same issue
same issue
same issue
same issue
Use version below, it has everything you need with null safety
flutter_staggered_grid_view: ^0.4.0
I didn't fully understand the issue, can't you use MasonryGridView.count
See #210 for info why it isnt supported anymore (performance). The main problem is that there is no info in changelog and no migration guide / recommendations.
@letsar I guess he have the same problem that im facing, it its impossible to use MasonryGridView.count because it is specified that the tiles can only ocupy one column, and, as you can see in the example, some tiles ocupy more than one
same issue
@lucian1024 I fixed my issue using StaggeredGrid.count
, and passed to the Children a List of StaggeredGridTile
. Worked like a charm
@lucian1024 I fixed my issue using
, and passed to the Children a List ofStaggeredGridTile
. Worked like a charm
is only for small number of items. It is not suitable for long lists because it cannot create children on demand.
well,i like this lib very much ,but when i update 0.6.0, i don't know how to finish the page ,but in 0.4.1 i can do it.i hope u add the function again ,or teach me how to do it in new version, thank you. by the way ,it's many dat
请问原来的这种效果 升级后怎么实现
同样的问题#223,答案是迁移到 MasonryGridView 如果这有帮助,那对我有用;)
还会更新吗,一直保持着0.4.0 的版本 不敢升级
After updating to latest version you can not use StaggeredGridView.countBuilder
instead you have to use GridView.custom
like this, it will work like charm
padding: EdgeInsets.only(
bottom: 16.w,
left: 16.w,
right: 16.w,
gridDelegate: SliverQuiltedGridDelegate(
crossAxisCount: 6,
mainAxisSpacing: 8,
crossAxisSpacing: 8,
repeatPattern: QuiltedGridRepeatPattern.inverted,
pattern: const [
QuiltedGridTile(4, 4),
QuiltedGridTile(2, 2),
QuiltedGridTile(2, 2),
childrenDelegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate((context, index) {
return Container(...)
childCount: your_list_length
@xo2027 is you have a pattern that repeating you can use the Quilted
pattern https://github.com/letsar/flutter_staggered_grid_view/wiki/Quilted
好吧,我非常喜欢这个库,但是当我更新0.6.0时,我不知道如何完成这个页面,但是在0.4.1中我可以做到。 新版本中做到这一点了 。有很多 数据
请问有解决这个问题吗 ,应该怎么解决