node-virtualcam copied to clipboard
Not able to see virtual webcam
I want to try this module so I followed following steps to try.
- npm install --global --production windows-build-tools --vs2015
- git clone
- cd node-virtualcam
- npm install
- Downloaded
- After doing unzip I run with admin cmd
- regsvr32 /n /i:1 ".\OBS-Virtualcam-2.0.5-Windows\bin\32bit\obs-virtualsource.dll"
- I saw successful installed message in cmd
- node samples\sample.js
- Seeing message on cmd "virtual cam output started (1280x720 @ 30fps)"
but I am not seeing virtual webcam on google meet in video settings nor in VLC capture devices. How can I check and see if virtual webcam and this module is working fine?
I can see the virtual cam but it just displays the default OBS Virtual Cam image. It doesn't seem to be working...
@cosmin-teslovan How did you get the virtual camera? Did you install OBS before-hand? Because I followed the instructions and I cannot see the virtual camera.