Le Stephane

Results 64 comments of Le Stephane

How about adding a _text/plain_ mapping for the yaml extension to _.mime.types_ in the home directory of the user performing the s3 sync command? text/plain is the lowest denominator...

Hmm i found it in /etc/mimetypes ``` # Users can add their own types if they wish by creating a ".mime.types" # file in their home directory. Definitions included there...

Another plugin update is found by `versions:display-plugin-updates` but not dependabot ``` maven-surefire-plugin .......................... 2.22.2 -> 3.0.0-M7 ``` Could this have to do with the `-M\d` in the release number? Is...

@michael-o Thanks for heads up, so basically: - YES, -M\d versions are ignored. - NO, this cannot be changed Correct?

Hi Folks, https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/issues/149 seems to imply one cannot split the api resource from the function resources. This issue seems to imply it is indeed possible, without giving template examples. I...

@abhinav-jain09 the `DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME` environment variable is set when `eval`ing the `docker-machine env ` command output ```bash ~$ docker-machine create toto Running pre-create checks... Creating machine... ... Docker is up and...

I'm surprised no-one has yet suggested the following workaround: ``` MAVEN_OPTS="-DskipTests=true" sam build ``` You can pass all sorts of flags this way. You will know it's working when you...

@gigi888 when you use the word 'that', what are you referring to? Please include commands and their outputs if you need me to follow up (and / or stand corrected)....

I'll submit a PR which might help you go further. But I still am unable despite my fix to get the command to work on a reactor build project, where...

> > „_…and where the maven module uses the ${version} property in its 's …_“ > > @lestephane? What is „_its 's_“ a typo of? Sorry I don't recall.