wolfred icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wolfred copied to clipboard

An example of a modal-like app in Revery


An Alfred-like starting point for Revery which lets you search for files in your Desktop-directory.

Currently there's no status-bar/tray-support.



See the requirements for building Revery

Getting started

# Install & build dependencies

NOTE: The first build will take a while - building the OCaml compiler and dependencies takes time! Subsequent builds, though, should be very fast.

Once built, the application binary will be in the _build/install/default/bin - you can run it like:

  • _build/install/default/bin/Wolfred

or using esy with the script specified in package.json:

  • esy run


To create packages for distribution, follow these steps:

  • npm install -g revery-packager

From the project-folder, run:

  • revery-packager

Once complete, there will be application packages available in the _release folder.


MIT License


Icons made by Dimitry Miroliubov from www.flaticon.com