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Problem with call less extend in extend

Open mrtuvn opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

Example I have selector .abs-action-addto-product is defined in _extends.less, and it contains another extend:

My file styles.less have this @import (reference) _extends.less;

.action.towishlist { &:extend(.abs-action-addto-product all); }

i have imported file _extends.less (reference import). This file contain define of .abs-action-addto-product Inside _extends.less that .abs-action-addto-product call to another selector extend Ex: .abs-action-addto-product { &:extend(.abs-action-link-button all); }

in less 2.5.3 it's work but if i update less to 3.13.1 seem this not work anymore Is this a known issue ? CC: @matthew-dean @seven-phases-max

mrtuvn avatar Jan 19 '21 04:01 mrtuvn