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oocgcm is a python library for the analysis of large gridded geophysical dataset.
Data objects (scalar, vectors ...) should probably be dataarray that are augmented with grid information (as done with grid_location) and should be in an independent part of the code.
Hello, Here is my example: I am reading a u,v field, respectively on U-grid and V-grid but also with respective vertical coordinates: depthu and depthv. I want to compute curl,...
Have you already thought about how you wanted to that Julien?
Hello, My problem is as follows: I want to read a self-made netcdf file with io.return_xarray_mfdataset. The netcdf header gives: group: netcdf4 { dimensions: y = 3454 ; x =...
we could think of using something similar to : [mpas xarray wrapper](https://github.com/pwolfram/mpas_xarray_wrapper)
a slice of a grid object defined with chunks appears to be disfunctionnal. eg. > from oocgcm.oceanmodels.nemo import grids > _grd = grids.nemo_2d_grid(...,chunks=xr_chunks) > grd = _grd[500:1500,500:1500] this works :...
We have decided to set automatically the unit of the quantities computed with modelgrids (ex : derivatives). Should we use a external package for computing the new units ? which...
When a first minimal version is ready for dissemination, we should prepare an automatic procedure for distributing oocgcm through PyPI and conda.