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Can not manage memory properly with norm_of_vectorfield
Hi all, My problem is the following : I want to process simple statistics using the norm of a vector (u/v fields). When using norm_of_vectorfield, memory gets busier than when writing manually a norm (as if grids were collocated). Fatal outcome is that norm_of_vectorfield may lead to overfill memory, whereas memory is well bounded with a xarray manual writing of the norm.
Here is a simple script showing (watching the monitor) that memory gets higher with norm_of_vectorfield.
import sys, os
import xarray as xr
from xarray import ufuncs as uf
from contextlib import contextmanager
import time
from oocgcm.oceanmodels.nemo import grids
from oocgcm.core import grids as gridsc
def timeit_context(name):
startTime = time.time()
elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
print('{} takes {} s'.format(name, int(elapsedTime)))
chunks = (1727, 2711)
xr_chunks = {'x': chunks[-1], 'y': chunks[-2]}
xr_chunks_u = {'x': chunks[-1], 'y': chunks[-2], 'time_counter':1, 'depthu': 1}
xr_chunks_v = {'x': chunks[-1], 'y': chunks[-2], 'time_counter':1, 'depthv': 1}
# - Parameter
natl60_path = '/home7/pharos/othr/NATL60/'
coordfile = natl60_path + 'NATL60-I/NATL60_coordinates_v4.nc'
maskfile = natl60_path + 'NATL60-I/NATL60_v4.1_cdf_byte_mask.nc'
grd = grids.nemo_2d_grid(nemo_coordinate_file=coordfile, nemo_byte_mask_file=maskfile, chunks=xr_chunks)
#30 times, 2 fields, 300 vertical levels
filenameu = natl60_path+'NATL60-MJM155-S/5d/2008/NATL60-MJM155_y2008m0*d*.5d_gridU.nc'
filenamev = natl60_path+'NATL60-MJM155-S/5d/2008/NATL60-MJM155_y2008m0*d*.5d_gridV.nc'
# open u and v components over 10 levels
vi_xr = xr.open_mfdataset(filenameu,chunks=xr_chunks_u)['vozocrtx'].isel(depthu=slice(0,10))
vj_xr = xr.open_mfdataset(filenamev,chunks=xr_chunks_v)['vomecrty'].isel(depthv=slice(0,10))
# vector object
vec_xr = gridsc.VectorField2d(vi_xr,
#1 Manual vector norm
with timeit_context(' #1'):
print '# euclidian norm'
print vnorm_xr.mean(dim='time_counter').isel(depthv=9,depthu=9).values
#2 oocgcm vector norm
with timeit_context(' #2'):
print '# euclidian norm 2'
print vnorm2_xr.mean(dim='time_counter').isel(depthv=9,depthu=9).values
print 'end'
Thank you very much for any advice, Simon