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How can g:wiki_export be configured to support HTML, docx, and PDF?

Open VimWei opened this issue 9 months ago • 4 comments

With the following configuration, WikiExport can correctly output PDF files, but WikiExport test.html is not usable because the args do not match for HTML. How can g:wiki_export be configured to support HTML, docx, and PDF?

    let s:TexTemplate = s:viminit . "tools/pandoc/template.latex"
    let s:pandocargs = '--pdf-engine=xelatex -V CJKmainfont="SimSun" --template="' . s:TexTemplate . '"'
    let g:wiki_export = {
          \ 'args' : s:pandocargs,
          \ 'from_format' : 'markdown',
          \ 'ext' : 'pdf',
          \ 'link_ext_replace': v:false,
          \ 'view' : v:false,
          \ 'output': 'PandocOutput',

VimWei avatar Apr 29 '24 14:04 VimWei

Moreover, with the above configuration, why does the command WikiExport newname.pdf output original-markdown-name.pdf instead of newname.pdf?

VimWei avatar Apr 29 '24 14:04 VimWei

With the following configuration, WikiExport can correctly output PDF files

You mean after simply :WikiExport<cr>?

but WikiExport test.html is not usable because the args do not match for HTML.

I'm sorry, but that does not currently make sense to me.

How can g:wiki_export be configured to support HTML, docx, and PDF?

I'm not sure yet. Let's find out!

In the snippet, what is s:viminit?

Moreover, with the above configuration, why does the command WikiExport newname.pdf output original-markdown-name.pdf instead of newname.pdf?

My initial thought is that it is probably a bug.

lervag avatar Apr 29 '24 20:04 lervag

With the following configuration, WikiExport can correctly output PDF files

You mean after simply :WikiExport<cr>?

Yes. With :WikiExport<cr>, the output file has correctly applied the definition from g:wiki_export.

But with :WikiExport newname.pdf<cr>, the output file still test.pdf. This means that :WikiExport newname.pdf<cr> has the same effect as :WikiExport<cr>.


but WikiExport test.html is not usable because the args do not match for HTML.

I'm sorry, but that does not currently make sense to me.

This is, and after :WikiExport test.html<cr> after WikiExport test.html

The ouput test.html applied g:wiki_export = { 'args' : s:pandocargs }, as shown below; however, it did not apply g:wiki_export = { 'output': 'PandocOutput' }, and the output is in the directory where the original is located.


But, unlike :WikiExport newname.pdf<cr>, :WikiExport newname.html<cr> correctly outputs the file named newname.html.

what is s:viminit?

let s:viminit = fnamemodify(resolve(expand('<sfile>:p')), ':h:h')
let s:viminit = substitute(s:viminit . '/', '\\', '/', 'g')

VimWei avatar Apr 30 '24 00:04 VimWei

How can g:wiki_export be configured to support HTML, docx, and PDF?

I'm not sure yet. Let's find out!

Before using wiki.vim, I had already implemented a solution similar to WikiExport.


command! PandocToPDF call Pandoc#ToPdf()
command! PandocToDOCX call Pandoc#ToDocx()
command! PandocToHTML call Pandoc#ToHtml()

Upon seeing WikiExport in wiki.vim, I wanted to reproduce the above commands to freely choose the desired output file type: HTML for faster output, docx for easy sharing of files with colleagues, and PDF for convenient printing.

But don't know how. This is the background to why I raised this issue, for your reference.

VimWei avatar Apr 30 '24 00:04 VimWei