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How can g:wiki_export be configured to support HTML, docx, and PDF?
With the following configuration, WikiExport
can correctly output PDF files, but WikiExport test.html
is not usable because the args do not match for HTML. How can g:wiki_export be configured to support HTML, docx, and PDF?
let s:TexTemplate = s:viminit . "tools/pandoc/template.latex"
let s:pandocargs = '--pdf-engine=xelatex -V CJKmainfont="SimSun" --template="' . s:TexTemplate . '"'
let g:wiki_export = {
\ 'args' : s:pandocargs,
\ 'from_format' : 'markdown',
\ 'ext' : 'pdf',
\ 'link_ext_replace': v:false,
\ 'view' : v:false,
\ 'output': 'PandocOutput',
Moreover, with the above configuration, why does the command WikiExport newname.pdf
output original-markdown-name.pdf
instead of newname.pdf
With the following configuration,
can correctly output PDF files
You mean after simply :WikiExport<cr>
WikiExport test.html
is not usable because the args do not match for HTML.
I'm sorry, but that does not currently make sense to me.
How can g:wiki_export be configured to support HTML, docx, and PDF?
I'm not sure yet. Let's find out!
In the snippet, what is s:viminit
Moreover, with the above configuration, why does the command
WikiExport newname.pdf
instead ofnewname.pdf
My initial thought is that it is probably a bug.
With the following configuration,
can correctly output PDF filesYou mean after simply
Yes. With :WikiExport<cr>
, the output file has correctly applied the definition from g:wiki_export
But with :WikiExport newname.pdf<cr>
, the output file still test.pdf. This means that :WikiExport newname.pdf<cr>
has the same effect as :WikiExport<cr>
but WikiExport test.html is not usable because the args do not match for HTML.
I'm sorry, but that does not currently make sense to me.
This is, and after :WikiExport test.html<cr>
The ouput test.html applied g:wiki_export = { 'args' : s:pandocargs }
, as shown below; however, it did not apply g:wiki_export = { 'output': 'PandocOutput' }
, and the output is in the directory where the original is located.
But, unlike :WikiExport newname.pdf<cr>
, :WikiExport newname.html<cr>
correctly outputs the file named newname.html
what is
let s:viminit = fnamemodify(resolve(expand('<sfile>:p')), ':h:h')
let s:viminit = substitute(s:viminit . '/', '\\', '/', 'g')
How can g:wiki_export be configured to support HTML, docx, and PDF?
I'm not sure yet. Let's find out!
Before using wiki.vim, I had already implemented a solution similar to WikiExport.
command! PandocToPDF call Pandoc#ToPdf()
command! PandocToDOCX call Pandoc#ToDocx()
command! PandocToHTML call Pandoc#ToHtml()
Upon seeing WikiExport in wiki.vim, I wanted to reproduce the above commands to freely choose the desired output file type: HTML for faster output, docx for easy sharing of files with colleagues, and PDF for convenient printing.
But don't know how. This is the background to why I raised this issue, for your reference.