org-krita icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
org-krita copied to clipboard

Krita sketches in Org

#+TITLE: org-krita


Minor mode for working with [[][krita]] notes, sketches etc. in org mode.


** Quickstart The package is not on melpa yet. For installing, I would recommend downloading the release tarballs from [[][here]]. Or if you are using [[][quelpa-use-package]], you can do the following:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package org-krita :ensure t :quelpa (org-krita :fetcher github :repo "lepisma/org-krita" :files ("*.el" "resources")) :config (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-krita-mode)) #+end_src

Or, if you are using Doom emacs you can add this to your =packages.el=: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package! org-krita :recipe (:host github :repo "lepisma/org-krita" :files ("resources" "resources" ".el" ".el"))) #+end_src

and this to your =config.el=: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package! org-krita :config (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-krita-mode)) #+end_src

=org-krita= creates a new org link type called =krita= that:

  • when clicked on, opens krita for editing the file linked, and
  • shows the updated image preview inline if =org-krita-mode= is enabled.

For using, you need to enable the minor mode =org-krita-mode= in org buffer with =krita= links like this =[[krita:./some-file.kra][image]]=. To create new files within the buffer itself, try calling =org-krita-insert-new-image=.

** Roadmap Here are the directions that need work (as far as I can think of right now):

  1. Making the package tool agnostic. This basically means abstracting out the following pieces that are tuned to krita at the moment:
    1. Function for creating new image in the tool's format.
    2. Function for extracting =png= from the file for inline display.
    3. Function for running the program to edit an image.
  2. Better inline display. Right now we bypass org's inline display which means we miss out on basic things like setting width and height for larger images and other goodies.