org-krita copied to clipboard
Krita sketches in Org
#+TITLE: org-krita
Minor mode for working with [[][krita]] notes, sketches etc. in org mode.
** Quickstart The package is not on melpa yet. For installing, I would recommend downloading the release tarballs from [[][here]]. Or if you are using [[][quelpa-use-package]], you can do the following:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package org-krita :ensure t :quelpa (org-krita :fetcher github :repo "lepisma/org-krita" :files ("*.el" "resources")) :config (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-krita-mode)) #+end_src
Or, if you are using Doom emacs you can add this to your =packages.el=: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package! org-krita :recipe (:host github :repo "lepisma/org-krita" :files ("resources" "resources" ".el" ".el"))) #+end_src
and this to your =config.el=: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package! org-krita :config (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-krita-mode)) #+end_src
=org-krita= creates a new org link type called =krita= that:
- when clicked on, opens krita for editing the file linked, and
- shows the updated image preview inline if =org-krita-mode= is enabled.
For using, you need to enable the minor mode =org-krita-mode= in org buffer with =krita= links like this =[[krita:./some-file.kra][image]]=. To create new files within the buffer itself, try calling =org-krita-insert-new-image=.
** Roadmap Here are the directions that need work (as far as I can think of right now):
- Making the package tool agnostic. This basically means abstracting out the
following pieces that are tuned to krita at the moment:
- Function for creating new image in the tool's format.
- Function for extracting =png= from the file for inline display.
- Function for running the program to edit an image.
- Better inline display. Right now we bypass org's inline display which means we miss out on basic things like setting width and height for larger images and other goodies.